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Are you sure you're allowed to work aged 15?
yeah starting from the 1st July 08
Reply 3
From Connexions website:

If you're 15 or 16 ...

On school days you can only work up to two hours a day, one hour before school and one hour after school. On Saturdays, you can work up to eight hours and two hours on a Sunday. In the school holidays you can work up to eight hours a day, but no more than 35 hours in a week and for two weeks in the school holiday, you cannot work at all.

Don't forget that if you want to get a full time job, you have to have left school first. If you are 16, you need to wait to leave school until the last Friday in June.

If you are under the age of 16 you have a permit issued by your local authority and signed by your employer in order to work legally.

However, if your 16th Birthday falls before the start of September (i.e. the next school year), you are no longer considered as being of compulsory school age, and are therefore entitled to minimum wage and everything else a 16yo school leaver is entitled to.

According to HM Revenue & Customs, minimum wage is:
£3.40 per hour for all workers under the age of 18, who are no longer of compulsory school age.

LittleMissTwinkle, my guess would be that you get exactly minimum wage, but I don't really know much about McDonalds pay schemes (nor do I care to).
yeah starting from the 1st July 08

OK. :p:
thanks for that Dashavoo, but any body know how long it would take? what to expect & what to take with me? :smile:cheerss
Hi, well i've been called in for a McDonalds Orientation tommorrow, i was just wondering what to expect? how long will it last roughly? & what do i need to take with me..?

i wondering how much i will get paid roughly at 15 years old? :smile:

also please share your experiences at McDonalds!:smile:!


I had to take a photocopy of my birth certificate and passport, my bank details and 2 written references. Considering you are only 15, I'm not sure if you will be required to provide the references. They should have told you already what to bring. Did you apply for the Job online? they sent me an email with all of the details. I think my orientation lasted about 2 or 3 hours and you get paid for it. It's basically just form filling, they will show you around the restaurant and test you on food hygiene. (Don't worry, it's not difficult.)

As for working there, I've worked at KFC Drive thru previously and I think McDonald's is far better, it is much more organised and has better technology. You can access your work schedule online and you get lots of benefits such as employee discount and discounts at a variety of other places. Alot of young people work in fast food too so you should easily make friends. It can be stressful working in fast food at times but it's not a bad Job, certainly not as bad as some people make out. You will soon pick the Job up, don't worry if you are slow at first and make mistakes.
it'll probably last 5 mins, theyll show you how to flip burgers and to garnish it with lettuce and cum, did i say that? i meant mayo, youll then be given bin liners to wear and thrown in the kitchen without pay
^^ post 7. aw thanks for this! :smile: they haven't told me to take anything with me...
and they got a copy of my birth certificate:smile:
so i think i'll just take some bank details?

+ve rep :wink:
I worked there a couple of days after my 16th birthday. I had some issues about my NI details which got sorted out, eventually. And other than screaming "don't work there for the love of god don't do it" in your face I would advise that you turn up on time. My bus got caught in traffic and they got a bit mad.

You might have to take home a booklet and do a test which, to be honest, a monkey could complete by smearing faeces across a sheet of paper. Which, incidently, is the same way they make their breakfast muffins.

But .. good luck.
^^ haha cheers
Reply 11
I've got an OJE coming up for McDonalds in a couple of days. After reading posts on this site about working there im having seconds thoughts! :biggrin:
Orientation meaning that it's your first shift, or the briefing thing you do before that which is at the largest Mcdonalds your one is connected to (may even be your one)...???

But sure I can tell you everything you need to know for just being a crew member :smile: But can you be more specific about the orientation thing as in what you've been told?
Reply 13
You'll enjoy working there, I've worked in McDonald's for two years now and I haven't even looked for another job since I started. There was another thread on this that you might want to read here.

And if you have just left school then you will start on £4.25 an hour if it is company owned store. :smile:
urm i was told that at the orientation.. i will fill in bank stuff?
Reply 15
Righto, your orientation is essentially the health and safety basics of working for the company. A local manager will conduct it and when i did mine (all be it 4 years ago now) we had to complete a few safety forms, fitness to work etc.

From what i now gather you will be shown a DVD with a little bit of company info to get you better antiquated with the job.

Take your bank details, national insurance card (do you have one of you arent 16?), references along with you as im pretty sure they will need copies for store records.

Mine probably lasted around half an hour, pretty informal, and a good opportunity to ask someone fairly knowledgeable about any questions or problems you have.

Hope this helps

Reply 16
Hope you enjoy it.
Thanks Matt, yes i've got my national insurance card:smile: & will take any bank details i have, but i don't have any references..?
Hi, well i've been called in for a McDonalds Orientation tommorrow, i was just wondering what to expect? how long will it last roughly? & what do i need to take with me..?

i wondering how much i will get paid roughly at 15 years old? :smile:

also please share your experiences at McDonalds!:smile:!


At my orinetation. I filled in yet more forms, watched some video's and then had to work along side someone in the kitchen for a hour. I suggest you dress smart but don't wear something that you don't want to get dirty. When I had mine they did not even give me a apron or anything to wear whilst in the kitchen. If you want to know anything else just pm me.
Thanks Matt, yes i've got my national insurance card:smile: & will take any bank details i have, but i don't have any references..?

I wouldn't worry about the references, I've had 3 Jobs before working at McDonald's so they probably just wanted to check me out. Considering this is your first Job, you can only really get references from school. If they haven't asked you for them, I wouldn't worry about it.