I sat 5 Highers this year and got 4 A’s and a B however I was 1 mark off 5 As and getting a remark (find out on 27th September). I’m happy to help with any questions regarding the following subjects; Mathematics, English, Modern Studies, Geography, Spanish.
I didn’t revise throughout the whole year and teachers over exaggerate the difficulty of Highers and the step up from national 5. Work hard on your assignments as they do play a big part in your overall grade and it’s worth to just put full effort into them. I started revision at Easter time but not too much just a little bit here and there. When it came to end of April that’s when I started revising properly, I would recommend considering you got 8 A’s which shows your academic to begin revision at the start of April and do it constistenly every day just for a little bit each day. Revise the parts you’re worst at first.