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Why are driving instructors the scummiest of people?

Ok so 6 months ago I had a driving instructor and I said that I had already done a few lessons and practiced in my mums car so I knew what I was doing just needed to practice my manoeuvres in his car. So at first everything was going well and he said we could do the test by the end of the month so I booked it. Right a few weeks later his attitude completely changed and I never felt relaxed when he was there, he would go on about small things that I was doing wrong over and over and bring me to roads that were never going to be on the test just to catch me out. Panic set in and I started making mistakes. He said u wasn't ready for the test with days to go so I did the test in my dads car (little experience) and failed.

6 months later I had still been practicing on and off in mums car and decided to get another instructor to finish it off. We planned to get everything done in 2 weeks over 8 hours. I paid before hand. Right so he told me on the first day of driving the dates and times of our sessions. A week ago we were meant to go for driving and he said he got a "sidewalk puncture" so he would take me 2 days later. Now with 4 days to go to the test, I was there waiting for a drive at the time he gave me, except he didn't show up. I checked my phone (he has my contact) and there was nothing. I then checked my dads phone and guess what? He said he was there at 9 o'clock (4 hours before what I had written down). Not only did he not contact me personally, but he sent a mere text message to my dad who was away from his phone, and he thought that would be enough. Not a knock at the door or phone call. My dad text him back saying I wrote down a different time and don't remember him saying he changed the time. I'm willing to bet he won't try to give a refund tomorrow saying that it was my fault or something.

Tldr: why the f**k are instructors so damn demonic? Like if there was a thief and an instructor standing next to each other I would be confused at which one's worse. Inbr*ds that can't find a real job I tell you.
It's not fair to generalise.
Sorry to hear you've had some bad experiences. My driving instructor was a reliable, stand-up guy.
My instructor is cool. What's the point in only taking a student on test routes when you need to experience a variety of roads in order to become a competent driver? You're not going to only use test routes after passing so it makes sense to drive in as many places as you can beforehand.
Original post by bones-mccoy
My instructor is cool. What's the point in only taking a student on test routes when you need to experience a variety of roads in order to become a competent driver? You're not going to only use test routes after passing so it makes sense to drive in as many places as you can beforehand.

I completely agree with you here but not in the context I gave. With DAYS to go before your exam it's dumb to out of nowhere go "let's do these completely random roads that is miles away from where you test will be just so that I can roast you when you're unsure what to do". He was a giant bell*nd for putting me through that and I will stand by that for life. Demon.
Original post by anosmianAcrimony
Sorry to hear you've had some bad experiences. My driving instructor was a reliable, stand-up guy.

I mean my second instructor seemed super cool too and was funny and chill, but I keep getting the impression that I'm getting sidelined by him, like hes going for a cash grab from other students and changing the timetable around. It's not like I went to the cheapest instructor either, this guy has a legit reputation... I wonder if they are like this to other people too.
I understand you - I had a horrible instructor experience which made me give up entirely! He was of Asian descent and Muslim but he would say horribly racist things about other Asian people (eg he said he had some Pakistani students but that they're terrible as all of their parents are n taxi drivers and something similar about Chinese people) and would make me feel so uncomfortable by commenting and complementing on my appearance and trying to set me up with his nephews.

He was also horribly sexist and would rant without provocation about Islam and how oppressed he was. At one point he even denied the holocaust. He went on about people 'crying' over the holocaust and the murder of some Jewish people (he firmly believed that only a few thousand Jewish people were killed during this time) and then went on about Muslim genocides! Like, both are horrible but you shouldn't undermine one to get 'oppression' points. I was really angry at this and confronted him about it as just weeks before I had visited Auschwitz and he just said 'oh they could have faked those photos' and 'you wouldn't understand as a woman'. He even ranted about about Jews controlling the world yada yada yada

Utterly horrible experience and it put me right off of driving and due to his idiocy I ran out of money (he was hopeless at teaching me and would randomly yell and get angry at me even though he hadn't taught me things properly) so I couldn't afford to continue lessons elsewhere. Glad to see I'm not the only person with a lousy instructor!
my instructor was so unreliable and unprofessional on the time front - giving me such last minute notice - and once not informing me he was going to be late that I've given up on him now. anyone else had the same?
Reply 8
Original post by I ASK QUESTIONS
I mean my second instructor seemed super cool too and was funny and chill, but I keep getting the impression that I'm getting sidelined by him, like hes going for a cash grab from other students and changing the timetable around. It's not like I went to the cheapest instructor either, this guy has a legit reputation... I wonder if they are like this to other people too.

if his ready he'll okay driving on any route. so maybe practice with the instructors earlier instead of doing it a last minute
I feel your pain! My independent driving instructor Patrick Culleton (Autodrive Automatic) at first seemed to be good in his teaching technique. However, i became flabbergasted by his behaviour. 20 min into the lesson he gets out and smokes. Then the other day I clipped the curb as I was going into the test centre as some driver was driving out and he screamed at me "I told you not to do that". He gave me silent treatment for about 5 min and he brought up the same issue up and said "you should have never done that before" with a look of contempt. Another time I accidentally made another mistake the lesson before and he said "that's a stupid thing you did" and "why did you do that?". Anyway every lesson he refuses to drop me of at my home instead drops me off in another road 5 mins away because he says it's too long for him and I haven't got a jacket on and I'm freezing cold, so I had to once walk in the pitch dark alone. He even mentioned on my test day that he wont be able to pick me up from my home as it's apparently too much bother for him. So my next lesson I have a jacket on because I have to do that walk back home (he won't drop me off home) he said you cant wear a jacket it will restrict your driving, meanwhile he's wearing a thick coat)🤔. I tried to book with him for Saturday and he said he cannot book me in unless I pay upfront block lessons and that they are for special paying customers who have paid upfront. Every lesson he names and shames a student he taught and rants what stupid mistakes they made. Last lesson he was texting whilst I was driving and also at the traffic light. So that was my experience! I am going to kick him to the curb!
Reply 10
Hope you reported him- do not let him stop you from finding a suitable instructor- he is an ******** .
Reply 11
Original post by Urinia
Hope you reported him- do not let him stop you from finding a suitable instructor- he is an ******** . Report him to the DVSA and use dates and times where he has behaved badly!

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