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Reply 1
C'mon please somebody say something... :frown:
Reply 2
Reply 3
Ok, it was better than nothing. Thanks. :biggrin:
Why not
(a) go to a propper public school
(b) go to a Grammar school
Reply 5
Wellington College, as in Wellington College of Niw Zulund?
If in NZ I retract my comment
Reply 7
Sorry, I don't understand what you mean.

a. Why not go to a proper public school?
I already go to a public school (not Wellington), and Wellington is a public school anyway...Seemingly a rather damn posh one too...Is Wellington not a proper public school? What's wrong with it? I'm curious, I'd like to know. Is it bad?

b. Why not go to a grammar school?
I'm considering that too.

I'm just trying to find out opinions of the school so I can figure out whether or not I should go there.
Reply 8
Wellington College, as in Wellington College of Niw Zulund?

No, Wellington College of Berkshire, England
Reply 9
No Future
No, Wellington College of Berkshire, England

:eek: i live in Berkshire... and i've never heard of it... unless it's the one by Douai.... *gets out the map*
Reply 10
Lmao - must be a great school then!! :biggrin: :biggrin:
Reply 11
looks good, go there
Reply 12
Thanks for your opinion.

I think I'd like to, if:
1. I can get in (with a scholarship :eek: :frown: - I think I messed up the exams)
2. My parents can afford it (not sure about this)
I've never heard of it. I am not an expert on Public Schools - but I've heard of quite a few. For academia, it seems that Westminster is best. You may like to consider it?
If you are happy with a Grammar - i.e. do not need to board or have no attachment (through family etc.) to a public school then a Grammar might be what you are after.
From that website, they are no saying they are a mighty academic force are they - you would be better of at a Grammar or another Public school -not that place
Reply 15
Is Westminister boys, girls or coed?

Ok thanks for your advice.

Yes, it's true Wellington is not extremely academic, but is pretty good.
IIRC Westmister is Boys.
They do both baording and day.
All that I am saying is that if you want to go private and can afford it I would go somewhere better than that. I mean I went to a Grammar and 95% of my year went on to do degrees - it was free as well.
Reply 17
Yeah, I've been thinking of a grammar school b/c of the free part...
I'm a girl though, so I couldn't go to Westminster, unless they take girls for 6th form?
My parents are not particuarly wealthy so the only way I could go to one of the really expensive pirvate schools is w/scholarship..
You have a good point - if they're paying so much then I should go for the best...
I do not know that must about Westminter- they will have a website that explains it all.
However, I'm sure it will be mor expensive than the wellington place. I don't think that place is woth it. If the grammars are good go to one of them.
Wellington are usually good at rugby.