The Student Room Group

Made an idiot of myself when drunk and now really embarrassed

Last night I got more drunk than I've ever been before. I only have vague memories but apparently I was thrown out of a club for throwing a glass at someone, and I made a COMPLETE embarrassment of myself by coming onto this guy I barely know and trying to get him to come home in the cab with me, and I kissed like 3 different guys. I feel so bad about it now. This isn't like me, I'm not used to drinking, I never go to clubs - I never even swear but apparently I got really aggressive and kept swearing. I'm mostly embarrassed about coming onto this guy though... I don't even like him but apparently I was saying all this stuff... ARGH it's horrible! I know loads of people do stupid stuff when they're drunk, but it's like I switched to this person who's the complete opposite of me. I feel so embarrassed. And it's going to be so awkward when I see some of these people again, after the way I acted :s-smilie:

I don't know what I want here really, just maybe advice for how to control yourself when drunk, or what I should do when I see these guys again (pretend it never happened? apologise?) Help :frown:

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Reply 1
At least it takes excessive amounts of alcohol for you to become like that.
Some people are like that anyway.

Don't worry about it.
Reply 2
Just learn from it and forget about it. Just a mistake. If you barely know the guy then it shouldn't really matter (depends how much u see him). Just drink less next time or drink weaker drinks
Reply 3
Happens to everyone. Most likely you'll feel embarrassed and hide away for a couple of days, vow to change your life, then think 'sod it' and get on with it.
Don't worry it happens to everyone. At least you now know your limits and wont want to do that every again! You'll probably be embarrassed for a while but most people forget in a few days anyway :smile:
Ah its nothing happens to everyone, feels bad now, but youll only joke about it later with your friends, you didnt do anything to baddd
Reply 6
Thanks :smile: I guess I know now that it's always best to eat before you go out as well - I'd barely eaten all day, and I'm kind of skinny so drink goes straight to my head :redface:
Reply 7
Carry on like normal - if they bring it up (and they probably will), then just laugh it off and say you're sorry. And you've not been like that before.

I know someone who does that pretty much 3 times a week, if not more. And she'll even pretend she's drunk so that she has an excuse to do it! So don't worry about it... at least you're not like it all the time!

I got really, really drunk about a month ago and did a few things totally out of character for me, and one thing that I really regret. Since then I haven't touched alcohol. But I was never really a heavy drinker anyways, so it doesn't bother me. Was funny finding out some of the stuff I did the couple of days following though lol.

The only advice I can give is lay off the alcohol a bit next time,
Act normal around your friends,
Don't bring it up unless they do, then laugh and apologise about it.

People may bring it up in the future, but not in a mean way (if they're real friends anyways). Otherwise, it'll just be forgotten in time anyways :p:
Reply 8
Happens to the best of us (i.e. me :p:), just drink less in future. At least you didn't accidentally murder someone of Belgian nobility. :smile:
Reply 9
Haha well no, I didn't murder anyone. I probably could've though, the state I was in. I actually woke up thinking it was all a dream, but then I found the evidence... calls made by my phone, items of clothing missing (:s-smilie:), bruises in strange places. I am NEVER drinking again I swear.
Reply 10
Happens to everyone. Most likely you'll feel embarrassed and hide away for a couple of days, vow to change your life, then think 'sod it' and get on with it.

Yep, this.

I've done that many a time.

I think the main thing is it's not as embarrassing for everyone else as it was for you, if someone brings it up then just laugh about it, like "oh yeah I acted like such an idiot haha", plus everyone's acted like that at least once in their lives so don't worry, you're not the first and you won't be the last!
Reply 11
Just be happy that your antics aren't on youtube, facebook, or some police video tv show. A surprising number of people lose their jobs because of youtube/facebook, so you're lucky its happened now and only your friends will ever know.

Happens to everyone once, fact is people will be remembering their own (and hoping everyone else has forgotten theirs) much more than yours.
thank goodness im a placid drunk.
Reply 13
Sounds like you had a great night out!
Count yourself lucky, dear subject. When one's children, William or Harry, get up to drunken antics, the press are all over the poor little blighters!
simple answer, you now know where the line is which you crossed, now you know what to do not to cross it in future :smile:

just apologise to you freinds :smile:
Thanks :smile: I guess I know now that it's always best to eat before you go out as well - I'd barely eaten all day, and I'm kind of skinny so drink goes straight to my head :redface:

I've found that this is sort of a myth - I was out last night, had a fair amount to drink, though not the most I've ever had, and I was throwing up before the night finished. All that was different was that there was stuff there to throw up instead of just bile.
Oh yeah I had a bad night last night as well. I was kissing this lad and got to the point where someone from the club came over and told us to be more discreet! I'm actually really embarrassed now because it was for my mates 18th and her mam was there! Whats even more worse is that in my drunken state I text the lad I really like and who likes me and told him. I said all this stuff including how I wish I was kissing him and he told me I should go to sleep and text him in the morning............oops.
Reply 18
The Queen Of England
Count yourself lucky, dear subject. When one's children, William or Harry, get up to drunken antics, the press are all over the poor little blighters!

Erm, aren't William and Harry your grandchildren? :p:

I am NEVER drinking again I swear

I said that too! :biggrin:
And I'm sticking to it for the forseeable future! :biggrin:
Reply 19
Most of us have a night or nights like that some time and it's horrible and embarrassing to remember the next day but only time will sort it. You and everyone else will forget about it soon enough. Just try not to drink as much next time, easier said than done but it will prevent similar things happening again. I cant even look at my phone texts/calls the day after a night out sometimes or for the fear of what nonsense or cringey things I have been saying to people. I just delete them haha. Luckily I dont tend to have too many like that though!