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French GCSE AQA How to get a 9

Hi! I got a 9 in my French AQA GCSE, receiving full marks in both my reading and listening papers as well as speaking and writing achieving 57/60 and 59/60 on writing.

I’d love to share tips for revising French, as I did less than an hour revision of French every night before each exam. If you have any questions please ask!

I did (obviously higher tier) and the exam board AQA.

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Wow how did u revise for the listening bit of french ? I’ve already done gcse but wow listening was the bit that always let me down 😭
Reply 2
Original post by cathyfung1021
Wow how did u revise for the listening bit of french ? I’ve already done gcse but wow listening was the bit that always let me down 😭

Honestly listening was so bad for me in like year 9 and 10, but I started listening to lots of French music and I watched wayyy too many kids French cartoons to the point where listening to the GCSE Audio seemed slow, and easy to understand. How did ya do? :smile:
gosh im in year 10 and im struggling as hell in french( especially listening and reading!!). how did u all remember the vocab, i find that really hard and if u used any textbooks, websites, youtubers etc, what would u recommend?
Original post by FloLemon
Honestly listening was so bad for me in like year 9 and 10, but I started listening to lots of French music and I watched wayyy too many kids French cartoons to the point where listening to the GCSE Audio seemed slow, and easy to understand. How did ya do? :smile:

i'm gonna really use that tip cuz it's the same situation for me right now
Reply 5
How did you revise for the listening and speaking? I listen to French songs, but I still suck.
What French shows do you recommend?
Original post by FloLemon
Honestly listening was so bad for me in like year 9 and 10, but I started listening to lots of French music and I watched wayyy too many kids French cartoons to the point where listening to the GCSE Audio seemed slow, and easy to understand. How did ya do? :smile:

Ah I should have done that in hindsight but I was far too into kpop and korean dramas . I got a 7 and I’m pretty happy with it . I knew it was listening that let me down tho . French was fun , just not the listening. It was like alien language 😂 but very well done for the 9 what u taking for alevels
Reply 8
You’ve got plenty of time don’t worry! I honestly learnt all my vocab from reading french magazines and I used a few quizlets for vocab before the exam too. I would recommend learning all the tenses and grammar off by heart! I can do them all now I practiced them so often in year 10 and 9. For TV Shows I would recommend my favourite ‘Le Petit Nicolas’ make sure you put ‘sous-titres’ or subtitles to see the French. Peppa Pig in French is also good.

It’s all on YouTube btw! It’s really good to do all the worksheets in class and if you can grab any of the school textbooks and do the reading tasks as they’re really useful too! Is there anything else?

Original post by dolphins123
gosh im in year 10 and im struggling as hell in french( especially listening and reading!!). how did u all remember the vocab, i find that really hard and if u used any textbooks, websites, youtubers etc, what would u recommend?
Reply 9
Original post by SlightlySummer
What French shows do you recommend?

Le Petit Nicolas!
Peppa Pig en français
The Asterix movies.

I would also recommend learning the lyrics to songs like Fallait Pas - Marwa Loud so that you can practice distinguishing words in songs. This is sooo helpful and is what I found most helpful :smile:
Reply 10
For Speaking, I wasn’t planning on learning answers but I thought I would anyways. If you’re doing AQA French I could send you the link to my French Speaking answers (please don’t use them tho!!) I learnt them well so that I could make sure I used all the tenses and grammar techniques that I needed. For listening try lots of kids TV shows like Le Petit Nicolas and Peppa Pig are good. You could learn the lyrics to a song eg Fallait Pas - Marwa Loud and listen to it a lot so you can start distinguishing sounds easier.
Original post by _Mia101
How did you revise for the listening and speaking? I listen to French songs, but I still suck.
Reply 11
Original post by cathyfung1021
Ah I should have done that in hindsight but I was far too into kpop and korean dramas . I got a 7 and I’m pretty happy with it . I knew it was listening that let me down tho . French was fun , just not the listening. It was like alien language 😂 but very well done for the 9 what u taking for alevels

Thank youuu and a 7 is an amazing grade anyway! I’m taking Biology Physics Maths and Further Maths, how about you? <3
Original post by FloLemon
Le Petit Nicolas!
Peppa Pig en français
The Asterix movies.

I would also recommend learning the lyrics to songs like Fallait Pas - Marwa Loud so that you can practice distinguishing words in songs. This is sooo helpful and is what I found most helpful :smile:

Thanks! I've watched the first 2 lol and I'll try to watch them regularly
Original post by FloLemon
For Speaking, I wasn’t planning on learning answers but I thought I would anyways. If you’re doing AQA French I could send you the link to my French Speaking answers (please don’t use them tho!!) I learnt them well so that I could make sure I used all the tenses and grammar techniques that I needed. For listening try lots of kids TV shows like Le Petit Nicolas and Peppa Pig are good. You could learn the lyrics to a song eg Fallait Pas - Marwa Loud and listen to it a lot so you can start distinguishing sounds easier.

Yes please! I don't do AQA French but my exam board themes are the same!
Are the French shows on Youtube or actual TV?
Reply 14
Sent you a link to it in your messages! And they’re all on YouTube. :smile:
Original post by _Mia101
Yes please! I don't do AQA French but my exam board themes are the same!
Are the French shows on Youtube or actual TV?
Original post by FloLemon
Sent you a link to it in your messages! And they’re all on YouTube. :smile:

Thank you!!:hugs:
Original post by FloLemon
Thank youuu and a 7 is an amazing grade anyway! I’m taking Biology Physics Maths and Further Maths, how about you? <3

Im taking maths biology chemistry and further maths too :smile: but I’m thinking of dropping further maths and doing an epq instead because it’s hard , too hard .
Reply 17
Original post by cathyfung1021
Im taking maths biology chemistry and further maths too :smile: but I’m thinking of dropping further maths and doing an epq instead because it’s hard , too hard .

That’s so funny lmao!! And honestly I’ve hand 2 lessons of further maths so far and I’m finding it ok because I’m spending legit like an hour going over everything at home..
could i also get a copy of your speaking please , it's the one i struggle with the most and should probably get ahead of
Original post by FloLemon
That’s so funny lmao!! And honestly I’ve hand 2 lessons of further maths so far and I’m finding it ok because I’m spending legit like an hour going over everything at home..

Exaclty . I’m spending so much one with further maths it might affect my other subjects lol. Plus, I’m pretty sure I wanna go down the science/ medicine route rather then just a maths degree now . Still, not sure tho , the teacher told me to give it a few more weeks.

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