The Student Room Group

masterbating and loneliness

after i masterbate i always feel really lonely or i think i should be sitting with my parents more or i wish i had a close friend or i can't wait until i die.
but mainly i feel lonely and like i'm never going to find someone who will make me happy and my life will always be as **** as it is now.

i know its kind of weird but i was wondering if anyone else feels like this ever or just opinions on what i should do/think?

i'm a girl btw

and please keep anon

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How old are you?

I always used to feel that way after masturbating, still do sometimes although not so extreme. What is so terrible about your life that you cant deal with it?
On reflection I realise that I spent a good portion of my life feeling depressed and lonely for no good reason at all.

I dont think I had any real freinds untill I was about 19, however I hold to the resolution that no-one can improve your life apart from you. If you want good freinds or a bf/gf you have to actively search for them. For some people (I include myself in this although it may appear hypocritical) it is imposible socially or otherwise to behave in the way you wish to behave or have the freedom to do what you want untill you are 18 and have finished A-levels/college.

I cant really say much more with such limited information. But I cant definetly suggest that that being negetive will solve nothing. be proactive and focus on aceivable goals rather than worry about what you dont have. I hope i dont sound harsh...
Speaking from experience, a vast amount of experience, post-masturbation guilt is the worst! I suppose it all effects us differently and hits some harder than other. Though, something which could undoubtedly add upset to this is spare time. If you've got a lot of time on your hands, and therefore time to think, I'm a firm believer that one tends to think of the bad stuff in life. If you try and keep yourself a bit busier, perhaps you'd be a bit happier. I know that works for me.

All the best anyway.
Reply 3
Weird. I feel great after masturbating...
Maybe you should just try to socialise more or talk to a friend.
Weird. I feel great after masturbating...
Maybe you should just try to socialise more or talk to a friend.

But preferably not about this in detail.
after i masterbate i always feel really lonely or i think i should be sitting with my parents more or i wish i had a close friend or i can't wait until i die.
but mainly i feel lonely and like i'm never going to find someone who will make me happy and my life will always be as **** as it is now.

i know its kind of weird but i was wondering if anyone else feels like this ever or just opinions on what i should do/think?

i'm a girl btw

and please keep anon

maybe you use masturbation for escapist reasons? so after the climax its like, oh back to reality...
maybe it's that you long for the real itimacy of sharing that climax experience with someone else, if so then of course you'd feel lonely after....
its something to do with the hormones released . You go from a high to a low. I don't know about it for women but I assume its the same deal.
Reply 8
Never got that feeling, ever.
maybe you use masturbation for escapist reasons? so after the climax its like, oh back to reality...

Yup, it sounds like that, so maybe you should stop doing it for a while until you feel right mentally about it and tackle the problems you have in the meantime.
Talk to your parents more generally and about how you're feeling down (don't need to tell them about the masturbation! :p:) and socialize and build better relationships with your friends. That's probably the best way to deal with your problems and meet people you could start a relationship with. :smile:
I Wanna Be Adored
post-masturbation guilt is the worst!

Haha I know exactly what you mean mate. Even to the point of not masturbating for a good five months for the belief it was 'wrong'. Believe it or not I just ended that streak only a couple weeks ago.

is masturbation=playing with yourself until you are "done"?
Terry Wrist
Haha I know exactly what you mean mate. Even to the point of not masturbating for a good five months for the belief it was 'wrong'. Believe it or not I just ended that streak only a couple weeks ago.


Lord! 5 Months, that's will power!

Although, your name is quite ironic. WRIST! Maybe that's just me being immature...
Reply 13
after i masterbate i always feel really lonely or i think i should be sitting with my parents more or i wish i had a close friend or i can't wait until i die.
but mainly i feel lonely and like i'm never going to find someone who will make me happy and my life will always be as **** as it is now.

i know its kind of weird but i was wondering if anyone else feels like this ever or just opinions on what i should do/think?

i'm a girl btw

and please keep anon

I guess you could masterbate with friends, that way least you won't feel lonely :rolleyes:

It's normal what you are feeling, many people feel different after they 'do the deed'. Some feel guilty, others feel lonely and so on. You'll probably outgrow it :smile:.
Terry Wrist
Haha I know exactly what you mean mate. Even to the point of not masturbating for a good five months for the belief it was 'wrong'. Believe it or not I just ended that streak only a couple weeks ago.


really?! You poor guy... Your poor balls...
T-o dore
really?! You poor guy... Your poor balls...'s healthy for guys to masturbate at least once a week to keep the sperm it in my boyfriend's copy of Men's Health!! So, not wrong at all :smile:

As for the OP, I think that's very normal to feel that way after masturbating, basically what everyone else has said are really good theories...high to a low, the want of intimacy with someone to share that powerful orgasm with, post-masturbation guilt. All probably culminates. What you could do is just do it so much you get really tired, then you fall asleep before you can feel crap!! Lol.

Reply 16
Never got that feeling, ever.

I don't understand why people post comments like this.

Wow, you have no input on the conversation, next post...

[I understand I'm doing the same thing with this post btw :rolleyes: ]
I sometimes get this feeling. No idea why.
Reply 18
Never got that feeling, ever.


I dont think I had any real freinds untill I was about 19, however I hold to the resolution that no-one can improve your life apart from you. If you want good freinds or a bf/gf you have to actively search for them. For some people (I include myself in this although it may appear hypocritical) it is imposible socially or otherwise to behave in the way you wish to behave or have the freedom to do what you want untill you are 18 and have finished A-levels/college.

Its simply about confidence, give up worrying about what other people think and people who like you for who you are will gravitate towards you. I know its hard. But no-one has ever accused me of trying to fit in :p: