Hi so I got my nose pierced about a month ago, and I really loved it. It’s the first piercing I’ve ever gotten. But now that I’ve started college I had to take it out while we were doing practical work. We work with animals so it’s understandable. I didn’t expect the hole to close in the space of about 7 hours, but it did. I even tried to force it through, which I know is a bad idea and I didn’t go through with it, but I’m just upset about the hole closing up honestly ): It gave me a lot of confidence, and now that it’s gone I hate how my nose looks and the scar it’s going to leave behind. It’s pointless forcing it in, or getting it pierced again because I have practical classes weekly and would have to take it out and the hole would close again. Can anyone else relate to how I’m feeling right now? I feel stupid for being so bothered about some piercing.