Hey guys. Recently I've got in touch with my History teacher from sixth form, and it's brilliant; we totally clicked from the moment we started talking. We talk about all sorts; Shakespeare vs De Vere, Froissart's Chronicles, life as it is at the moment, memories from back at school...
He told me he was disappointed in me for not working hard and he was even more disappointed when I dropped History in year 13; I hadn't realised I'd done that, and we talked about it, I apologised, and now we're totally fine.
It's been a total of 4 days, I think, and we talk about pretty much everything - we call each other by first names, and have both expressed our surprise at getting close, close enough to consider ourselves friends, in such a short space of time.
I've been frank with him about where we stand; I made it clear that if all he was talking to me for was to get a quick ******* from a 19 year old, then he needs a reality check because I'm not in it for anything like that - after all, I'm in a long-term relationship and I'm married.
He was a little offended that I said it, and was adamant that he found me interesting, clever and far more mature than he had expected, someone who was genuinely interested in talking about literature and history, and equally about finding out what he was really like.
He's about 20 years my senior - but I don't really care, as we're simply friends. Even if he showed extra interest, I'd make it clear that I wasn't interested in pursuing any other kind of intimate relationship; a close friendship is a jump enough!
So really... all I wonder is, how do you all feel about ex-student/teacher friendships/relationships? Have you had one? Etc, etc.