The Student Room Group

Charge for doctors note for DSA

Hi all,

I’m applying for DSA at Kingston university, and I needed a doctors note to provide as evidence of my condition. I was charged £20 for this, is there any way to get this reimbursed?

Many thanks!
I don't think this is possible, sadly! Never heard of this happening :no:
Reply 2
No. It is entirely the student's responsibility to provide medical documentation in support of their application for DSAs. Not what you want to hear, sorry.
Original post by Lornquinn
Hi all,

I’m applying for DSA at Kingston university, and I needed a doctors note to provide as evidence of my condition. I was charged £20 for this, is there any way to get this reimbursed?

Many thanks!

I am trying to get the same thing done but i dont know who to go to as my doctors know nothing of my disability or anything
Reply 4
Original post by Blackstarr
I am trying to get the same thing done but i dont know who to go to as my doctors know nothing of my disability or anything

How was your disability diagnosed?

If you have a SpLD, you will need a copy of your post-age 16 psychologist's report.
I never had one done but had the extra time in exmas etc. I don’t think am dyslexic but I know I have a moderate learning disability.

Original post by Lovesick
How was your disability diagnosed?

If you have a SpLD, you will need a copy of your post-age 16 psychologist's report.
I'm having the same issue atm, I've got to get "evidence" that I have a chronic illness, as my diagnosis "Wasn't enough" and for my GP to fill out 1 sheet of paper that will take no more than 10 minutes, I'm being charged £40.00. And it's alot of money for a sheet of paper (which I also printed for them) and for me to send in and possibly not even be accepted.

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