The Student Room Group

University 2nd year retakes

Ok guys, I'm not your typical uni student. I really don't know much about any of the particular procedures like some of you guys seem to know like the back of your hand.

I'm getting myself really worried about this and I would just like some sort of closure on this if possible.

I've just finished my 2nd year at uni studying Sports Coaching Management, and quite honestly I know I did horrendously in my exams, and the marks I had back earlier in the year were pretty poor already. My courseworks marks were, meh, nothing special, just average passes or barely a pass.

Now to my question, are retakes optional, or do you have to do them? The thought of having to revise over the summer is horrible, or even worse having to re-do my 2nd year. I've tried my best though, I'm just not actually very bright, nor do I enjoy the course. I'm only doing it for my parents really, and they are going to be disappointed regardless.

My results are coming in about 2 weeks I think, but I haven't been asked yet about any retakes, which for my uni will take place in August.

Sorry for rambling on, but my original question is, are retakes optional? Is there any way I can carry on into my 3rd year without doing them? Frankly any degree mark will do me.
It seems like you are studying for a degree for the wrong reasons. "Any degree mark will do me", :s-smilie:

You haven't even got your results yet, so wait until then before making decisions obviously. Perhaps you will surprise yourself with the results.

I'd imagine that you only have to do resits if you get under 40%?? And obviously if your mark is lower than that then can you even procede onto year 3 without passes?
You should contact your course administrator or something, or look on the website for info about the exam and result policies etc.
Reply 2
Well I've contacted the uni, no reply yet, I was just wondering what peoples personal experiences have been if they are in a similar situation.

Oh and trust me, I won't be surprised about my results.

The uni website doesn't give me any information about the retaking procedure, only the dates when they will happen. The uni website had a complete makeover not too long ago, so maybe it just hasn't been updated properly.

It's just the thought of having to do a number of retakes or even having to re-do the year is close to depressing. Everything in my life right now is great, but then uni stuff just brings me back down to earth with a bump, its just horrible.
Reply 3
Maybe drop out and do something else?

I gave it serious thought when I thought I'd have to resit my second year (or the exams) because I had so much trouble with the work this year (somehow still got about 59.6% as a final mark!). It was such a horrible year that if I'd done badly enough I wouldn't have taken the exams again, I'd have just left.
If you accept that you're just not very bright, you will accept doing badly, which will not be good for you for many obvious reasons. 'Intelligent' people generally are such because they enjoy work and have strategies to motivate themselves to do it; you need to attempt to find ways to create such an attitude in yourself, and re-sit your exams if necessary/possible.
Retakes are not optional in general - you have to do them to stay in uni. Get below 40% and you have to retake that module, and as far as I know in most unis you can only get 40% in that module no matter how well you do in the exam.

Having answered your question, I would really advise you to listen to everyone else on the thread. Going to uni for your parents is probably one of the worst reasons to go. You clearly aren't enjoying it and it's making you think you aren't clever because of your obvious lack of enthusiasm for the course. I reckon you can probably change course to something you actually enjoy, or leave uni altogether. You are old enough to make such decisions for yourself, and if your parents object - it's your life, you only get one shot at being 20. Why waste a LOT of money on something you don't like?
Reply 6
are you me???

im currently doing retakes and probably going to fail these too.

kind of stuck! dont really want to repeat the year because i know the same thing will happen, dont know what kind of job ill get if i leave uni :mad: etc
Have you been allowed to progress to your 3rd year? If so, I don't think you are allowed to do any retakes. They're only for people who have failed to pass to go through to their third year.
Reply 8
Have you been allowed to progress to your 3rd year? If so, I don't think you are allowed to do any retakes. They're only for people who have failed to pass to go through to their third year.

Well thats the point, I haven't actually got my results yet, I'm just preparing for the worst hehe.
Original post by xxxchrisxxx
Have you been allowed to progress to your 3rd year? If so, I don't think you are allowed to do any retakes. They're only for people who have failed to pass to go through to their third year.

This is the issue I am having...
I have passed my second year (but with very poor grades) however I have asked if I can retake my second year as I know I can do a hell of a lot better. I have had very little response/support from the university and i'm running out of time.

Also....if my student finance company are willing to fund me for the extra year, then how can the university object?