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Reply 1
I've lived in Northampton for about 11 years and it's alright I guess, nothing special.

Nightlfie is pretty poor IMO. Prefer just going pub than town these days as there are few decent places to go there.

I've never had any experience with the Uni, however my mum has been for a few courses there and said that the lecturers were very unreliable.

Out of those two I'd go for UEA, but that's a biased view as I'm desperate to get out of Northampton lol.
Reply 2
I looked at going to Northampton when I thought I was gonna fail A Levels. Out of all the unis I looked at, it was my bottom choice and I hated it. My friend's sister went there and said it reminded her of a converted prison cell. I just didn't get the feel of anything special from it and didn't think I'd be pushed hard enough. My Mum was the one who saw the accomm but I can't remember what she said about it. The city centre is ok, like any other really, but not that special.

Obviously it might be different for you but there's my opinion anyway.
Reply 3
My friend went and hated every minute, I was born there myself, its a very dull town. UEA all the way Id say.
If I was you I think you should looks at Hertfordshire univerisity best one around the area.
The original university of Northampton (now long gone) was the third university in the English speaking world, not just these islands! It only lasted four years. Completely irrelevant but interesting.

Northumapton itself is a market town, with the emphasis on town. Although large (over 200,000 people I think) it doesn't offer the facilties that you'll find in most cities. Student life seems very concentrated on the two campuses. Because of the lack of major social activity in the town itself the social scene seems insular. I think a former student union president said, "We have the homely feel, but not the huge facilities."

Teaching is quite mediocore and only five of its departments have been rated excellent by the Sunday Times (Anatomy, art, materials technology, nursing, teacher training).

I will say that the East Midlands, Leicestershire in particular, has some good countryside :smile:
Reply 6
I don't know much about the university. But personally i wouldn't go if you paid me!
I've lived in 'Northamptonshire' for 18 years of my life and its a pretty average town, it's not a very exciting place to live.
I would suggest that UEA would be much better choice, considering that its much higher up on the league tables and on my visit it seemed like a very nice area.
The shops in Northampton are pretty naff (oh how much i love that word :smile:)
Personally i'd never go.. but if your interested take a visit and see for yourself!
Our school forced us to look around Northampton and it was dire. I'd avoid it like the plague! UEA any day :smile:
Reply 8
Northampton is my insurance choice as I live in Northamptonshire, it's not a great place to be honest. I wasn't overly impressed with the university but it wasn't terrible (hence why it's my insurance) plus the grade boundaries are fairly low.
You also need to remember that the uni of Northampton is still very new. Established as a college in 1975 and became a university in 2005. Many ex-polys, the 1992 universities, still have a history that stretches back a century or two. Some are even older than Durham etc.

Northampton isn't one of these so it's got a lot of growth ahead.
UEA definitley has the better reputation.
Reply 11
my mum went to northampton...well sort of. she went to nene college, which was what the university was before it became a proper university. before it was an affiliate of leicester uni, and my understanding is it became northampton uni in 1997/8? someone above said 2005, which seems a bit weird considering my mum got her PGCE from the university of northampton in 1998!! thats a bit off topic, but whoever said that confused me...!

anyway i asked her ages ago whether she thought it was a good uni (she didnt really choose as such to go there, it was just the closest place to her where she could do her degree as i was only little when she went) and she told me it was good in places. as i said she did her PGCE there and i think as someone mentioned above its good for teacher training and i would say my mum is a pretty damn good teacher. (but then im pretty biased!) she thoroughly enjoyed her time there, but as she had 2 small children whilst she was studying she didnt really have the 'full' university experience. i dont think she would have chosen it if she had been in the position i am in now, in that I have pretty much the choice of any university in the country, grades permitting.

OP, i think you just have to go with your instincts. if you'd feel comfortable there, go for it. university is what you make it after all!
I would avoid N'pton Uni aswell! I have lived in Northampton all my life and cannot wait to get away and know very well people who are going there. They have low expectations and campus is a bit grotty! Shopping=average nothing special, same for nightlife - would only go there for teaching and vocational courses e.g. hairdressing
living in northampton brought out the worst in me...moving to manchester has made life's too small as a town, people are rude and there's no night life and don't even get me started on the lack of transport

i went to an open day back in summer 2005 and it just seemed so bare and stark there plus the lecturers seemed so young that they'd probs barely graduated themselves lol, they made the course sound like i right doss

based on the lower end entry requirements, id say that northampton wont push your intellect although ive heard in fairness, it has a good business and medical school

if you want to grow as a person i do urge you to go to a bigger city with a mroe vibrant social life, both on and off campus
Why the hell is this is 'south of england' forum... Northampton isn't in the south!?
good point! it kind of floats around the middle nowhere lol
It's my bottom choice too, in case I end up failing miserably. I'm going for a tour tomorrow, but from what I've heard, it ain't that pretty.
Reply 17
i went to look around northampton uni last wek and i thought it was lovely, there were bunnies all over the place and the students were smart but casual, and all looked to be enjoying themselves.
i think its only what you make a place, ive just got an unconditional into early childhood studies and cant wait to go in september, it doesnt matter what any one says i think its a lovely place!
i went to look around northampton uni last wek and i thought it was lovely, there were bunnies all over the place and the students were smart but casual, and all looked to be enjoying themselves.
i think its only what you make a place, ive just got an unconditional into early childhood studies and cant wait to go in september, it doesnt matter what any one says i think its a lovely place!

oh thatok then. thats what i think. I dont live far from it and i'm commuting everyday. I had an audition and i think thats what drew me to it because i got to experience first hand what the teachers were like and how they taught. I really enjoyed myself and im optimistic enough
I nearly went to Northampton for my undergraduate degree. I went on an open day and it seemed a nice campus, although I didn't really see anything of the town.
One of the most important things when choosing a uni, as well as course etc, is the feel of the place when you visit. That's how I decided between my two favourites.