The Student Room Group

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It's a series of electronic noises with two guys who look like they might just be considering joining a Nazi organisation. Perfect for the chav masses.
Reply 2
i listened to this a few hours ago lol, i don't know what to think of it, i quite like it lmao
Reply 3
My ears are bleeding.
Reply 4
All this song needs is a 1998 Peugeot 106 with an oversized subwoofer in the boot to really set it off.
Reply 5
Absolutely awful. Why do they even bother? oh let me guess... chavs like listening to this
Reply 6
I think the chav mentality states that anyone who is even more of a lowlife than yourself is be revered. Thus, the fine lads in this music video are absolute musical idols.
I heard this at my bestie's house a few days ago... I wanted to rip off my ears as soon as it started.
Reply 8
ahh yes the eloquent productions of blackout crew, a fine group of young whipper snappers whom make me proud of the music industry with their musical genius with such beautiful, delightful and even wonderous lyrics as:

'''We're better than all that riff-raff,
All blackout posse we don't chit-chat,
Whole posse shake your tic-tac,
If not have a break have a kit-kat''

utter ****e.
Reply 9
urgh what chavs
saw this on tv the other day. was so shocked. they actually think they can rap
Reply 11
the guys in at work think this is the funniest video ever, the word for that day was "donk", I can;t honestly believe someone would make this seriously!
Reply 12
Dear God. :eek: Put a what on it?! Obviously I'm not down widda streets enough to understand, please pity me.
i swear those are the guys hanging outside my local newsagent right now?
lmao thats funny
Reply 15
I can;t honestly believe someone would make this seriously!

To be fair they don't look like they take it too seriously themselves!
Reply 16
are any of you folks from northwest england?

thats the sort of music some clubs in the area play.

they have live mc and dj sets.

search the internet for music by maximes, maxwells or fluidz. there is more that do it though!
Reply 17
I'd rather not...
Reply 18
heard this a little while ago. i like their beats but the lyrics are comedy. however i dont think they are trying to be funny
I love this song
I think its funny and its good to dance to


Anyone else agree with me thats its really not that bad?
No just me then :P