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the Hazard perception part is so hard!

I have booked my theory test and I am now practicing for the hazard perception part, but I am finding it soooo hard! I went on websites but I am still getting 1 or 2 marks at the most! How can I master this part? Do u have any tips? Thanks a lot.
BTW, I am getting 45,46, 47 and 49 for my mocks, does that mean I am likely to get that in the real thing?

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Get better reactions! Having said that, I only got like 65.


It's easy, you'll do fine.
Reply 2
Look as far down the virtual road as you can ;yes;
Reply 3
I think its best to click when ever you see something that could be a hazard even though your not yet sure its developing. I think its OK to click lots - but correct me if im wrong
Hangon, I wasn't much help.

What I did was look hard - when i first saw something that might be an accident I clicked, then I clicked once more about half a second after that, then once more when it was clearly obvious it was going to be an accident but still before it happened.

So three clicks per hazard. I don't know if that's *******s, but it's what got me the mark
Reply 5
Click when you see something that might be a hazard. Click again when it develops. Don't just click for actual hazards.
Reply 6
Is there a limit to how many times you can click?
Hangon, I wasn't much help.

What I did was look hard - when i first saw something that might be an accident I clicked, then I clicked once more about half a second after that, then once more when it was clearly obvious it was going to be an accident but still before it happened.

So three clicks per hazard. I don't know if that's *******s, but it's what got me the mark

This sounds like what I did. I passed both sections of the theory without the slightest bit of practice, though admittedly I only got 31/35 on the multiple choice. I really didn't find the hazard perception a challenge at all. So, my message? Don't worry about it! Just use your clicks strategically. I think you're allowed something of the order of 10 in each clip before they 'void' your points, and each clip has only one hazard in it, except one random one will have two (IIRC, I did it about 2 years ago).

Good luck!
Is there a limit to how many times you can click?

No, not really, but if you click way too often, or in a pattern (like every 3 seconds or something), the computer picks up on that, and you lose all your marks for that question. But if just click whenever you see something new and possibly dangerous appear (like a pedestrian near the side of the road, a zebra crossing, brake lights, a car pulling out of a junction or reversing out his drive), then you should be ok. Obviously, you'll mostly come across more obvious ones that will be the hazard, but it's always better to click than not click.
Reply 9
hmm i found it easy when i did mine. i scored well above the pass mark. didnt even practice before i went in. it's not difficult to do well in if you just concentrate
just click on anything that moves lol
and the faster you spot it the more points you get
i did quite well on mine
what score do you need to get to pass that section?
Reply 12
just click on anything that moves lol
and the faster you spot it the more points you get
i did quite well on mine

i think i shall do this too ... but im worried i'll get 0 for clicking too many times
if you only click when you see something move in the distance then you wont be clicking too many times...
once you've clicked on it, keep your eye on it and click it again after a second or two to make sure you've got it
hope that helps
Reply 14
if you only click when you see something move in the distance then you wont be clicking too many times...
once you've clicked on it, keep your eye on it and click it again after a second or two to make sure you've got it
hope that helps

Yeh but if you click on EVERYTHING that moves surely you'll clich like 50 times .. coz there's alot that moves
Yeh but if you click on EVERYTHING that moves surely you'll clich like 50 times .. coz there's alot that moves

if your clicking when something moves then your presuming its a hazard so its not just totally random..

lots of random clicks when nothings going on and cause you to lose your do have to pretty careless with your clicking to lose your points!

and usually the only things that will be moving in the videos are the cars coming in the other direction, anything else that happens is usually a hazard...

to practice it fully you need a hazard perception test CD-ROM...
Yeah, what dairynuts said. You have to get the normal flow of traffic and the surroundings into your head; for there to be a hazard the equilibrium has to be broken, something has to be changed.

Sorry if that's a bit of an out-there reply, I'm feeling a bit spaced out, but you get the idea.
Reply 17
I have booked my theory test and I am now practicing for the hazard perception part, but I am finding it soooo hard! I went on websites but I am still getting 1 or 2 marks at the most! How can I master this part? Do u have any tips? Thanks a lot.
BTW, I am getting 45,46, 47 and 49 for my mocks, does that mean I am likely to get that in the real thing?

Practice makes perfect.
It can't be that hard.

I never did any and still manged to pass, somehow.
Reply 18
just click on anything that moves lol


If you're constantly clicking, you can get zero points for that round if I remember correctly (it's been like 2 or 3 years).

If you're constantly clicking, you can get zero points for that round if I remember correctly (it's been like 2 or 3 years).

He doesn't mean constantly click because of cars driving in front or on the other side of the road, or birds flying past, or anything stupid like that, just things that move suddenly or abnormally. There won't be too many of those things in a clip, if there were it'd be way too confusing.