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Reply 1
Don't worry, you have plenty of time to fill out, plus a lot of guys prefer bums to boobs lol, don't get depressed over it :smile:
Some guys (like me) prefer small boobs. I mean, really small. It's just, a turn on. o__o;
I'm 17 and i hate my little boobs. I hate not being able to find a decent bra that fits me. I think i'm a 34/32 and i never fill an A cup, and i can't find any nice bras that are smaller than this with out having to buy a kids bra. Anyone got any advice on finding a bra? or just cheer me up about my little 'uns

Chciken fillets are your friends :biggrin:
Not real chicken fillets though, that isn't attractive :rolleyes:

But seriously having big boobs is not all they're cracked up to be (not that I'd know this myself:redface: )

Be proud of what you have, chances are if they were bigger they wouldn't suite your frame and I've always found that smaller bras are a lot prettier than really big bras, they look like something my gran would wear, like a hammock or something :biggrin:
Reply 4
There's plenty of us out there!! I'm an A and I have quite a few friends who are, or who are AA's. I think we should start a small boobs soc.

Have you tried M & S? I get their T-Shirt bras cos they make you look a bit bigger.
Reply 5
Some guys don't even look at boobs at all.. And the best ones don't care what they look like ^^ And apparently some guys like really small boobs :biggrin: YOU'RE ALL GOOD, don't get depressed, big boobs aren't all that.
Haha there is a random picture of a weird bra at the bottom of this thread, thats strange

Don't worry some boys prefer smaller boobs, i personally prefer smaller so no need to worry really.
Seriously, I'm envious! I'm a 34F and it is not. fun. Maybe I could lend you some and we could even it out at a 34C each?? :wink: :p:
Reply 8
im not saying i want massive ones just big enough so they fill a bra.
i hate it when people say they have small boobs when there a B cup - i would kill for that
Reply 9
im not saying i want massive ones just big enough so they fill a bra.
i hate it when people say they have small boobs when there a B cup - i would kill for that

Same. One of the girls said that at work the other day and I was like, "Hello? Have you seen mine?!"
There's plenty of us out there!! I'm an A and I have quite a few friends who are, or who are AA's. I think we should start a small boobs soc.

Have you tried M & S? I get their T-Shirt bras cos they make you look a bit bigger.

To be honest though, you're only young once. I may not be the biggest fan of my boobs but they're mine and I can't do anything about it, so instead I learn to live with them. Take a step back and start concentrating on the things that you like about yourself, rather than what you don't. I bet you're gorgeous and you just can't see it! :smile:

Don't waste your youth wishing you were something else, or before you know it you'll be wishing you were 17 again... :smile:
I have no boobs at all really, but i like it because bra's always look prettier when there smaller in my opinion and you can wear pretty much anything whereas bigger boobs sometimes dont look right with certain clothes.
I'm an A but it doesnt bother me really. I'm quite happy with my figure. I wouldnt mind going a little bigger, like maybe a mid B but anything bigger i couldnt be arsed with. B's definately the perfect cup size.

but as everyone else said, dont worry, it's not that big of a deal
Reply 14
First of all - get properly measured at John Lewis or Debenhams or so.

Do you have a small frame? A 34 is roughly akin to a size 10/12 frame, so you might (as many women do) be buying too big a back size.

Getting measured can be the best thing you ever do lol!

If you 'can't' fill an A cup in a 34 really try a 30A or something. Or even a 28B.

I was wearing 38s because I didn't fit my 36 bras. Both were ENTIRELY wrong. I'm a 34 and a larger cup size than I even thought I could be :redface:
Reply 15
im not saying i want massive ones just big enough so they fill a bra.
i hate it when people say they have small boobs when there a B cup - i would kill for that

A B is small when you're 5'11! Trust me on that one.
Reply 16
Having big boobs is overated
i mean they're good for getting free drinks but they are a pain for most other stuff you do.

and yeh as already mentioned on here plenty of guys prefer girls with small boobs.
I'm 17 and i hate my little boobs. I hate not being able to find a decent bra that fits me. I think i'm a 34/32 and i never fill an A cup, and i can't find any nice bras that are smaller than this with out having to buy a kids bra. Anyone got any advice on finding a bra? or just cheer me up about my little 'uns

Try one of these
"Easy Grow Breast Enlarger /Code:521337
Breast enlargement system. Double vacuum cups, flexible straps and vacuum pump with release valve "

"Quality Breast Enlarger /Code:0976
Highly reccommended for females with small breasts.
This is an effective method of increasing the size of your breasts quickly and noticeably.
Slip each breast in turn into the soft and supple perceptive cup and pump out the air. Your breasts will actually swell to fill the vacuum created."

No idea if they work.
Reply 18
im not saying i want massive ones just big enough so they fill a bra.
i hate it when people say they have small boobs when there a B cup - i would kill for that

Seriously, get measured properly! Countless women are very pleasantly surprised, and let me tell you, being able to properly shop for bras is amazing. :hugs:
To be honest darling, like other posters, I myself find small boobs a turn-on. Seriously. My last girlfriend barely filled an A cup and I thought she had a beautiful body :wink: