Ah. That does sound awful (large room? What on Earth for?). Mine in Cambridge was in a small, book-lined room in front of a fireplace, me and two interviewers sat about 3 feet apart from each other. It was lovely - only thing missing to complete the picture was tea! I think Oxford is just different that way- they tend to be much more formal, much more structured in approach. I think what draws me to Ox and Cam as opposed to UEA or others is the access to the rest of the university, especially at Cambridge, where you can attend almost any lecture and use almost any library as a student. That kind of access is tremendous for the budding research stages of any writing project, as is the general effect of a degree from Oxbridge vs other universities. I’m afraid I don’t feel as confident about other unis in that aspect, and I’m not totally convinced that famous/well-known writers are necessarily pedagogically skilled. In the end, it’s a very personal undertaking, and it’s best to really figure out which one feels like the best fit while still keeping you on your toes! As for the Cambridge tutors - they are all multiple-published, all educated at the university; the main tutors’ interests and publications also fit my interests and learning needs well (so again, a personal choice). It’s worth a look! As for the Oxford programme - I do think there are benefits, of course, to their approach and outlook, and even the class size; in the end, though, it’s not quite as good a fit for me. Anyway, best of luck - if you do decide to apply to Cambridge and have any questions, feel free to send me a private message. I’ve just received an offer of place!