The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Go to your doctor and get him/her to prescribe you norethisterone. You take 3 a day for 3 days before your period is due and then continue with the 3 a day until you want to stop it, and your period should arrive 3 days after you stop taking them.
Ive taken them and didn't experience any side effects, except a slightly longer than usual period when i stopped taking them.
Reply 2
Go to your doctor and get him/her to prescribe you norethisterone. You take 3 a day for 3 days before your period is due and then continue with the 3 a day until you want to stop it, and your period should arrive 3 days after you stop taking them.
Ive taken them and didn't experience any side effects, except a slightly longer than usual period when i stopped taking them.

^ what she said. ive taken them with no side effects and it will mean you wont be worrying about being on your period.
Reply 3
ive done it before with my period (bronze practice and final, gold practice) and it is manageable, although tampons may not be ideal due to the whole "having to make sure you take it out within 8 hours thing"

also i did mine in a group of girls not a mixed group which helped
i'm going away this weekend for bootcamp and in a mixed group and due to start while i'm there. help?! :smile: x