The Student Room Group

Dominos interview, what to expect?

Hey guys, sent in an application form to Dominos a few weeks ago. Anyway they just phoned me up and organised an interview. Never had a job before so this is quite new to me.

What sort of questions are they likely to ask?

Anyone know the salary for a 19 year old there?

How should I dress? I was thinking shirt and smart jeans. Don't want to go dressed in a suit, its only dominos I'd look like a right plank.

I'm going to university in September, would it be wise to withhold this information until after I have the job? I also have a week long holiday in August which is fully booked.

Any information from people that work there would be brilliant, my interview is on thursday.

Reply 1
Reply 2
well with regarding interviews for jobs that involve food they will ask the normal stuff

-Can you work under pressure
-Can you work in a team (They'll ask for examples for this and the one above)
-Religious stance (Working with non halaal meat if your a Muslim etc)
-Why dominos.. why not pizza hut?

And then they'll ask stuff about you, when they do try and link it with skills you can apply to working with them etcc

Good Luck :smile:

And yes do no tell them you are going to uni.. unless you intend to keep the job whilst at uni
Reply 3
Shirt + Jeans is fine
My friend works there and she wore jeans and a hoodie lol.
Apparently the interviews very quick.
Good luck :smile:
Reply 4
They will test your pizza making ability, your knowledge of the various toppings and the history of the pizza.
Reply 5
I come up with answers for most of those questions, but I'm still rather stuck on the "Why work here" question. I love pizza, but generally its just because I want some money lol. I guess I could say I've been wanting to work in the food industry for a while now because I believe it is good experience, and enjoyable, and I like cooking at home.

Should I talk about my GAP year, because I think it shows a lot of the qualities they are looking for (I traveled around East Asia on my own for the last 7 months). I won't mention it being a GAP year ofcourse, just that I went traveling.
Reply 6
why you want to work there

say something about ur skills and how they will be best used working there.
Reply 7
**** do I need to bring a CV with me? I just handed in the Dominos application form, not a CV (I don't have one written).
Reply 8
Bump, I'd assume not.
Reply 9
If they didn't ask for one you won't need it.

The questions they will ask you will be based on the application form, like "you mentioned you worked as....... What do you think you gained from this?" sort of thing.
Reply 10
That was a wierd interview, he didn't really ask me any questions at all. He just made loads of statements to me about the company explaining how they worked, what my job would be, and what hours were available. He said he had two more people to interview, how he will decide is beyond me. Atleast he said it was very good I had Maths A level because many mistakes were made when taking orders from the current staff due to poor numeracy skills.
Reply 11
Dominos are a fairly flexible franchise, the owner of a local branch gets to interview pretty much however they want.
Reply 12
I have an interview tomorrow for a delivery driver. This was very helpful, thank you.