The Student Room Group

Feel so guilty

I have a boyfriend of 3 and a half years who I love to bits and have so much fun with, trouble is I have took a shine to a work mate :frown: I don't know why I fancy this guy cos he isn't all that good looking. We got on a first but now blank each other and if we do speak its awkward. I think he is a nice person and has a nice voice but don't want him to think I'm stuck up by ignoring him. I would like to be friends with him but don't want him to notice my blushing etc. Its also not fair on my boyfriend as he is good to me. I got jealous when this guy tried chatting my colleague up the other day, even though she wasn't interested as she has a boyfriend! Don't know what to do.
It's just a crush. It'll pass. :smile: You're not disrespecting your boyfriend by blushing at another boy etc... Just keep your hands etc to yourself and ignore any advances by this other guy if you really love your boyfriend & want to be with him. :smile:
Don't do anything, just sounds like a crush to me.You have absolutely nothing to feel guilty about... everyone has their little fantasies now and again.
Reply 3
Maybe you need to spice things up with your boyfriend, relationships can go stale if they are not maintained. You could be flogging a dead horse with the workmate anyway!
Unless you're willing to lose your boyfriend to risk a relationship with this guy, ignore your feelings. They'll go away eventually. And if they really don't, maybe something is lacking in your relationship?
Unless you're willing to lose your boyfriend to risk a relationship with this guy, ignore your feelings. They'll go away eventually. And if they really don't, maybe something is lacking in your relationship?

I agree with this post entirely. Well done SuffocatedAnxiety.
It gives a level of reality and what could happen, in other words, is it worth it OP?
I mean he may be cute and attractive, but you have a bf who loves you.
sleep with him, it might help lol