Hi, I'm a first year in my first term of Mechanical engineering degree at Warwick.
I applied for Imperial and got rejected, so I firmed the Warwick BEng with predictions of A*AA in the 2018/19 A levels. My results were A*A*A (In maths physics and further maths respectively), but I didn't do adjustment for Imperial because I had heard that it was next to impossible.
Since arriving here, I've heard things such as Warwick isn't that good for engineering and I should've applied for adjustment at Imperial and so on, and unfortunately this is eating away at me though I know it shouldn't. I've basically been given the impression by other students that my grades were effectively 'too good for Warwick' specifically in engineering, purely in the sense that there were better Uni's in reputation and in course that could have accepted me, and this has been making me feel pretty sad and like I wasted my grades almost.
Could I/should I have gone somewhere better for engineering with the grades I achieved? This has been really on my mind so I'd appreciate any feedback from people.