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Was Engineering at Warwick a mistake?

Hi, I'm a first year in my first term of Mechanical engineering degree at Warwick.

I applied for Imperial and got rejected, so I firmed the Warwick BEng with predictions of A*AA in the 2018/19 A levels. My results were A*A*A (In maths physics and further maths respectively), but I didn't do adjustment for Imperial because I had heard that it was next to impossible.

Since arriving here, I've heard things such as Warwick isn't that good for engineering and I should've applied for adjustment at Imperial and so on, and unfortunately this is eating away at me though I know it shouldn't. I've basically been given the impression by other students that my grades were effectively 'too good for Warwick' specifically in engineering, purely in the sense that there were better Uni's in reputation and in course that could have accepted me, and this has been making me feel pretty sad and like I wasted my grades almost.

Could I/should I have gone somewhere better for engineering with the grades I achieved? This has been really on my mind so I'd appreciate any feedback from people.

Original post by Ali1712521
Hi, I'm a first year in my first term of Mechanical engineering degree at Warwick.

I applied for Imperial and got rejected, so I firmed the Warwick BEng with predictions of A*AA in the 2018/19 A levels. My results were A*A*A (In maths physics and further maths respectively), but I didn't do adjustment for Imperial because I had heard that it was next to impossible.

Since arriving here, I've heard things such as Warwick isn't that good for engineering and I should've applied for adjustment at Imperial and so on, and unfortunately this is eating away at me though I know it shouldn't. I've basically been given the impression by other students that my grades were effectively 'too good for Warwick' specifically in engineering, purely in the sense that there were better Uni's in reputation and in course that could have accepted me, and this has been making me feel pretty sad and like I wasted my grades almost.

Could I/should I have gone somewhere better for engineering with the grades I achieved? This has been really on my mind so I'd appreciate any feedback from people.


Hi, I am thinking of applying to Warwick for engineering for 2020.

So what has it been like so far and why is it you regret going to Warwick, or is it purely because other students have told you that you could have got into Imperial.

Many thanks
Reply 2
Original post by zootzoot
Hi, I am thinking of applying to Warwick for engineering for 2020.

So what has it been like so far and why is it you regret going to Warwick, or is it purely because other students have told you that you could have got into Imperial.

Many thanks

It's a good Uni for engineering. But you can get in here on the BEng with AAB, and this year I've met multiple students who go in with an ABB or some even with 3 B's. So if your predicted grades are above this kind of level, you could certainly go for somewhere like Bath.

And if you have A*A*A try for Imperial or Cambridge.

Warwick has Decent facilities, and some fairly heavy hours so far even in my first term. I've been having 18 hours at least, so there is a lot of teaching. And the Course is a general engineering course for the first couple of years I believe, so whatever field of engineering you picked everyone does the same stuff for first year and then you begin to specialise, so it's a good choice if you're not sure what field of engineering you're looking for.

Hope this helped.
Original post by Ali1712521
It's a good Uni for engineering. But you can get in here on the BEng with AAB, and this year I've met multiple students who go in with an ABB or some even with 3 B's. So if your predicted grades are above this kind of level, you could certainly go for somewhere like Bath.

And if you have A*A*A try for Imperial or Cambridge.

Warwick has Decent facilities, and some fairly heavy hours so far even in my first term. I've been having 18 hours at least, so there is a lot of teaching. And the Course is a general engineering course for the first couple of years I believe, so whatever field of engineering you picked everyone does the same stuff for first year and then you begin to specialise, so it's a good choice if you're not sure what field of engineering you're looking for.

Hope this helped.

Thank you for your reply.

I'm predicted A*AA, however I don't do physics (Only Chem, bio and maths), so it obviously narrows down my choices.

However, would you have recommended Birmingham, Nottingham or Sheffield over Warwick for mech engineering?
Reply 4
Original post by zootzoot
Thank you for your reply.

I'm predicted A*AA, however I don't do physics (Only Chem, bio and maths), so it obviously narrows down my choices.

However, would you have recommended Birmingham, Nottingham or Sheffield over Warwick for mech engineering?

I didn't look at Nottingham or Sheffield, but I looked at Birmingham. Birmingham was nice but from what I understood Warwick was more prestigious, but Birmingham is a good Uni as well.

For Mech eng have a look at Loughborough, it's got a very good department there. People will look over it because it isn't Russel group and that comes with certain traits, but specifically for mech eng it's supposed to be quite good
the people that got in on AAB probably got a contextual offer, so they aren't necessarily not as capable - just disadvantaged. also they're 5th on the leaderboard for their course & 18 hours contact is not considered a lot compared to 35 at sheffield.
Reply 6
Original post by Ali1712521
Since arriving here, I've heard things such as Warwick isn't that good for engineering and I should've applied for adjustment at Imperial

Imperial doesn't use Adjustmment
Do you still think it was a mistake?
How are you finding the course at warwick now?
Still a top uni.

The course will still be tough
i just finished my second year doing mech eng at warwick, it’s a great choice if you’re unsure on the engineering/finance career path as warwick opens up so many gates into that world both due to its prestige(top 4 for that field) and resources/panel events/societies/networking events in the shard etc… Lots of my coursemates got summers in IB, consulting, PE, quant and more which I feel would be much more difficult coming from the other universities you’ve mentioned simply due to their name.

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