The Student Room Group

broken or just bruised finger?

I whacked my little finger on the edge of a kitchen surface at work today and heard quite a loud crack, anyway it was quite painful and hurt for ages. Now my finger is swollen and although I can move it does hurt.

I've got a day off tomorrow and am wondering about whether to bother about going to the walk in centre because I don't want to go in with just a bruise, can anyone help?

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Reply 1
If it is really unbearably painful, then you have probably broken it.
Reply 2
If you can move it without unbearable pain it's probably not broken.
Reply 3
Go to the walk in centre anyway just to be safe. It's what I would do.
Reply 4
if it cracked, it's probably broken. I broke mine when I was about 16 (well, I say I broke it... someone else kicked it) and felt it crack. I broke it on the Thursday, but it took until the Sunday for my mum to believe it was actually broken and take me to A&E. All they'll do is give you some sort of splint for it anyway - not much else they can do.
go to the walk in just to be sure it isn't broken, or it'll be a harder more painful job fixing it later.
The crack noise doesnt necesrilly mean its broken, i heard a crack when i badly twisted my ankle but it wasnt broken, can you rotate it, and clench your little finger so it touches your palm? if so its probably not broken, but still get it checked out
If you've heard a crack, its probably best to get it checked out as its quite possible you have broken it.
Even if its sprained or strained you may be able to get some painkillers on prescription etc.
Reply 8
It's painful but not unbearable kinda hurts more if i try and straighten it. I think if it's worse tomorrow then I'll go to the centre
Reply 9
Has a bruise already come up? I broke my finger when I was younger and just thought I'd sprained it, but an hour or so later I had a blue ring around the area I hurt. As I was pretty young my parents took me to A+E - all they did was x-ray it, tell me it was broken and strapped it to the next finger. There's not a lot you can do for a broken finger unless it's been hideously deformed!

I'd recommend getting some gauze or cotton wads, placing them between your little finger and the one next to it (to stop the skin being irritated) and wrap the two together with some plasters and try not to use it for a while. If it swells try to keep it at least above your heart, if not above your head (although I doubt there would be any serious swelling)

Hope it feels better! Finger injuries are annoying!!
Fingers dont take much to be broken, when I broke mine I didnt know for 5 days as it wasnt hurting and i could still move it.
Reply 11
A few years back I simply caught a basketball and my little finger hurt really much. I thought that I just caught the ball wrong as fingers can hurt when you play basketball. I could move my finger. Anyway in the end I went to the hospital that day and the doctor thought I was silly for coming in. He did an x-ray anyway and it turned out I had broken the top part of my finger (so it appeared I could move my finger just not the top)- and it wasn't just a fracture, it was broken right in two!!

So I'd say, go if it hurts ALOT. Better to be safe than sorry.
Reply 12
how does it currently look?
You'll never know until you get an x-ray, although even that isn't a sure thing.

I was rock climbing & broke my finger, went to hospital where they told me it was totally fine. The pain was pretty much gone the next day. Then a month later i got a phone call saying, "Uhh.. we think you should come and see us"

And i broke a bone on my thumb joint recently (i think - i didn't go to the hospital because i was in Croatia), it was badly swollen for a week, and kind of tender/weak for like six weeks. But now it's totally fine.

They probably won't do anything unless it's misshapen. Just rest it, give it a couple of days.. if it's still really painful - get it checked out.
Reply 14
Why is that Anonymous?


I think going to the drop in centres the best option really. Just to be safe.
Reply 15
could be fractured, it will be bruised bone, as for a break, if your still able to move it without excruciating pain, then it should be ok.
If you can move it without unbearable pain it's probably not broken.

I second this. I broke a finger once and the pain was unbearble.
Belive me you'll know when you've broken a finger.
Why is that Anonymous?


Because it makes it very obvious who i am, and i don't want people that know me to follow my posts. I post personal things on this site.
Using the anon function here saves me using it all the time.

Although i just gave myself away a minute ago :rolleyes:
Lord Hysteria
I second this. I broke a finger once and the pain was unbearble.
Belive me you'll know when you've broken a finger.

lol it depends on the break and on the person
pork products
lol it depends on the break and on the person

I was 11 and my little finger :sad: