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Well I like the Daily Telegraph, but I suppose everyones different! x
Reply 2
Most papers that were , aren't broadsheets any more. But in 'broadsheet spirit' you should read The Guardian.
Reply 3
Reply 4
I take it where you write 'Broadsheet' you mean 'Quality'?. I read the Guardian.
The Guardian.

Though newspapers are political by nature, and so people tend to prefer ones based on their own political beliefs; so you are bound to gets lots of conflicting answers. Therefore, I'd recommend you to buy each one over a number of days and see which you prefer for yourself. :smile:
Guardian/Telegraph/Independent. Not the Times. I just don't like it :smile:
Reply 7

That's a bit conflicting! At least you get a good balanced viewpoint...
Reply 8
i read the guardian.

defo not the torygraph :wink:
That's a bit conflicting! At least you get a good balanced viewpoint...

Haha! I believe in a good balance in life and not having a fixed politcal viewpoint :smile:
Reply 10
maybe perhaps the independent too...
maybe perhaps the independent too...

I read the Guardian, but I like the layout of the Comment section in the Indie. I love the idea of a thought and quote for the day also.
Reply 12
Telegraph and The Times (my papers) tend to be right wing leaning, Independent is centre, and the Grauniad is for all the soppy, tree hugging, liberal, namby pamby, 'prison doesn't work', liberal, artistic, cotton wool wrapped liberals out there. :rolleyes:
Metro. hehe!
Telegraph and The Times (my papers) tend to be right wing leaning, Independent is centre, and the Grauniad is for all the soppy, tree hugging, liberal, namby pamby, 'prison doesn't work', liberal, artistic type liberals out there. :rolleyes:

How very dare thee! Obviously Ducki is slightly prejudiced -- if was also, I would say that reading the Torygraph tends to do that to people! :biggrin:
rotate between times guardian independent and telegraph
go through the cycle once a week, gives you a few days off
The Times, though it has been getting rather dire lately. So I'd recommend the Independent.
Reply 17
Times! Times! Times! All the way.
Reply 18
Metro. hehe!


+ for everyone else..i think i'll just have to do ip dip sky blue! i've read the independant before on holiday...dunnooo

thanks for the suggestions anyway!

+ for everyone else..i think i'll just have to do ip dip sky blue! i've read the independant before on holiday...dunnooo

thanks for the suggestions anyway!

Do what I said: buy them all at some point, it's the best way. :p:

Plus you'll be gaining a rounded knowledge of the British media!