The Student Room Group
I'm also gay. here's a three step plan

1) don't use grindr. just don't.
2) be patient
3) put in the effort

I was the only gay guy in my school. closeted for 3 years, out for 2. went to college and met a bunch of other gay guys. my boyfriend is wonderful. the only thing you can do is be yourself and be patient. and if you do find a guy you like, put in the effort and go for it! be brave
grindr? then again ur 15 so maybe wait till you've completely gone through puberty
(edited 4 years ago)
Reply 3
If u live in a small area u may have to wait until u move out. If u live in a city I’m sure there will be a lot more options, so u will get to meet someone who is great for u probably.
Reply 4
Original post by Anonymous
Hello, I'm 15 and want a boyfriend, this issue is there is barely and gay people and if there is the probs wouldn't like me. I don't want some mess about relationship I want a relationship where we can be close and love each other to peices and hug each other all the time.
How would I go about finding a relationship like this?

im gay too so i would like to know more about you
Reply 5
im gay