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Reply 1
I have this clock in my bedroom and it was working normally for the past 3/4 months. But now the second hand is going around anti_clockwise and its really weird. My clock is working backwards. I thought maybe the battery needed replacing, so I replaced it with a brandnew battery, and I put it in the right way. But its still ticking backwards :confused: :confused:

Whats wrong?

:eek: You've made a time machine!
I wish :smile:
But unforunately, time is going forward. Also is anyones Sky Digitals time messing up, cos mine is 1 and 1/2 hours behind, it now says 20:32. But the programs come on at the proper watch time. How weird, my house is possesed.
Reply 3
I think you've entered the twilight zone.
Reply 4
we have a similar one in school, except the numbers are numbered in an anti-clockwise direction as's a barber clock or something, i.e. in a barber shop, you can look at the mirror, and see the time the right way round

anyway, your one is just weird, i dunno what's wrong with it...
Reply 5
re you sure you're not just confiused?! I thought my clock was going backwards yesterday but it wasn't really.
Reply 6
maybe you put anti batteries in by accident
Reply 7
Maybe this "clock" is symbolic of your metaphorical "biological clock", and it means that your time is running out. Basically, have sex, (with Shane), and have babies, fast. Or else risk a life on lonliness.
do u think theres any technical fault in it or something?
Even Im not sure, my mum says its very weird as well, I am atm looking for something on google that might help me find out whats wrong with it, but there doesnt seem to be anyhting yet...
maybe you put anti batteries in by accident

anti-batteries :confused: now Im more confused.

Yeah it is definately going backwards, Im not high. My family say its going backwards too, its not 4:23, lol.
solution: use a digital clock. nd the time on my sky tv is right
Mad Caddie
Maybe this "clock" is symbolic of your metaphorical "biological clock", and it means that your time is running out. Basically, have sex, (with Shane), and have babies, fast. Or else risk a life on lonliness.


Reply 12


Reply 13



er... dont u mean


since its backwards :biggrin:
Reply 15
someone backwards may have made the clock
someone backwards may have made the clock

or a lefty
LOL, so there is no explanation? HEY physics people, where are u?
Nothing on google :frown:
Reply 18
LOL, so there is no explanation? HEY physics people, where are u?
Nothing on google :frown:

well it is possible that the battery has developed a phenomenon called reverse negativity of electroantrogenism and is emitting a reverse electron field structure. technically if this were powerful enough, light waves would be sufficiently distorted for you to indeed travel through time.
{ingnik']well it is possible that the battery has developed a phenomenon called reverse negativity of electroantrogenism and is emitting a reverse electron field structure. technically if this were powerful enough, light waves would be sufficiently distorted for you to indeed travel through time.

cool :cool: