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Homework at Sixth Form


How much do you get in Year 12?

Aparnelty we get 3 hours a week of homework for each AS level. Is this true? was meant to 1 hour at GCSE according to the prospectus, but I rarely got any some subjects. Polticis has homework of wathcing the news accorsing to friends (that should'nt be too hard as I work in a newsagent...), what about other subjects like Chem, Bio, Lit, French, Geoggers.....

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Reply 1
Mine was 4 hours per subject :eek:

A lot of it is just going over notes and making sure you know it.
it depends really, at my college it wasnt a set thing, some teachers set homework others didnt. i think the emphasis was on coursework for homework
I didn't get 3 hours a week per AS Level. It was one homework per week per subject, and that usually took less than half an hour. And you actually called it "geoggers"... :s-smilie:
Reply 4
Glutamic Acid
And you actually called it "geoggers"... :s-smilie:

lol, sorry, it's habit, embaressing i know. my geography teacher used to always call it that.
For my subjects at AS Level [English, History, RS and Business] I got roughly two essays a week per subject. As those for the former three would be between 2,000-3,000 words, I'd spend a couple of hours on each. The essays for Business were shorter - maybe just 1,000 words. All in all, I probably did between 3 and 4 hours a week for each subject just to keep up with the work load at college.

A-levels include lots of homework trust me, The homework amount is awfull! But then again theyre good if u wanna go to uni like me and you get used to it after AS's:biggrin:
I did about five pieces of homework throughout years 12 and 13, and all of them were English essays. I did nothing for Maths or Biology. Nothing.

Don't regret it either. I personally think I can decide better how to spend my time to get a good grade than my teachers can.

Suppose I was set a bit more than that, but not significantly. I'm sure I did more homework (this is talking homework that doesn't count for anything, not coursework which counts to the grade) for GCSE than A-Level.
Well I took English, media, theatre studies and french. Roughly in the first year for english I got 3 pieces of homework a week sometimes it would be an essay sometimes just finishing off annotating something. French was usually a couple of small exercises a week, media I was loaded with essays, theatre studies I had about 3 pieces of homework in the whole year! haha but that's because most of our work was practical- line learning etc which you are expected to do in your own time. and then theres coursework...
In the 2nd year, somehow all my teachers gave up on us and set us like one piece of homework- if that- per week. We are supposed to 'take initiative' to do personal studies :P
tbh I didn't think we get enough. It felt like school again. The teachers used to check people did the homework ffs!

But generally I think you should do a lot more than what they say.
For Maths, I did about an hour a week total - that included homework.

C1 and C2 exams were easy, S1 on the other hand... I should have actually worked on. :frown: Crammed, should hopefully get a D minimum. :biggrin:
Reply 11
We were supposed to match the amount of teaching time per subject per week with the same time of independant study - so 5 hours a week on each subject.

(yes i know that sentence made very little sense!)
Reply 12
It depends what it was I suppose (and how much effort I could be bothered to put into it).

Maybe around an hour a week for each subject?
Well, I've only done my ASs, but for homework I got:
Maths: Usually 2/3 homeworks a week, usually taking 30 mins-1 hour. Usually just questions from the textbook, or past papers at the end of the year.
Chemistry: Usually 2 homeworks a week, but not too long really...generally not 3 hours worth. Usually just questions or copying up results from experiments.
Biology: Again, usually 2 homeworks a week, past questions etc, or questions from textbook occasionally.
Economics: Past questions throughout, relating to what we did in class. To start with it was just the shorter questions but then it soon developed into a 15-marker per week, occasionally with something else (ie reading from, textbook or making notes), and later on a full past paper. We must've done pretty much every single paper from 03/04 onwards through the year...

So, yeah, generally not 3 hours worth. The odd homework took ages (like the Economics ones). Maybe around 2 hours per subject per week on average?
Reply 14
Further Maths took a long time, my other subjects I spent very little time on Homework accept English where essays were set often so had to be done in speed.
Further Maths took a long time, my other subjects I spent very little time on Homework accept English where essays were set often so had to be done in speed.

I agree.
FP2 nearly drained me.
I barely got any homework to be honest. In English, yes, I got quite a few essays to do but nothing really major.
4.10 of teaching time for each course...
same for homework each week...sometimes more sometimes less...
of corse u can rush it in less time if u want... but not worth it...

my essays for soc always took hours... but i generally got A's so was worth it :biggrin:
Reply 18
9 hours a week total? Ha. Actually, I did it all in school.
The thing with AS levels though (especially essay subjects which I took) is that there is probably less homework, but there is more detail etc required. Instead of a worksheet that could be done 5mins before the lesson, essays require background reading, mulling over the question, planning and then actually writing the essay. It all just takes longer.