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KPMG Online Aptitude Test

I am planning on applying at KPMG and I will probably get invited to complete their online tests as the HR women I spoke to was very impressed with my achievements.

However I suck at aptitude tests. Just wondering if anyone can give me some specific advices regarding their numeracy tests (e.g. common pitfalls, possible misinterpretation, multiple calculations to get answers for one question, etc) . I know they are difficult but I just want to find out how difficult they are, whether all of them are difficult and other advices based on your experience.


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Just do the quickest ones you can, i scanned a question, if i thought itd take longer than 2 mins to work out, id skip it. If you can get half the questions done, thats pretty good. Do they still have places available at kpmg?
Reply 2
Don't answer questions you don't know the answer to. It sound sound silly but they prefer you get 100% on the questions you attempted than 50% and answer every question.
Reply 3
Thanks, I guess they are after accuracy. So my objective should be to get done at least 12 out of 24 questions right.

Sean, your profile says you are in KPMG Internship. Can you tell what was/were the most difficult part of the application process.
Reply 4
Interview by far. Then again, I've done aptitude tests before. Just don't under estimate any part of the application process.
Reply 5
DON'T PANIC would be my advice. I've taken several online aptitude tests and passed them all except KPMG. I got in the 98th percentile for Verbal but dismally failed the maths section. I was trying to answer all the questions presuming they got harder so spent ages on the 1st few and ran out of time. I started to panic which made it all much worse. I HATED the KPMG maths one because every question took several steps. I would reiterate what others have said, look for the ones you will be able to do fast as there are far far too many questions to complete. There were 24 questions to answer in about 20 minutes and most would take me at least 2 minutes to work out. If you think you've answered about half right you will have done very well IMO.
I got into kpmg this year, second attempt, failed last year at the tests. I got 96 percentile in the verbal test and around the 62 percentile in the numerical test, and i still think the tests were the hardest part of the whole process; i thought the interviews were alot more relaxed than the tests. Etray was probably the second most unlikeable.
Reply 7
i got into kpmg this yr.. first attempt.. got 91 percentile in the verbal and 90 in the maths lol it was a big surprise getting less in math since i did a numerical degree.

nyways the simple trick with verbal questions is read the question b4 u start readin the passage. sometimes the answer might be in the first 2 lines in which case just select the answer and move on.. in any case it helps u focus on relevant stuff and disregard wots not
Reply 8
But getting in the 90th percentile for the maths isn't exactly bad!
Reply 9
ya .. for maths i think wots been said already is gud advice.. do the questions u can do quickly, ignore the hardest ones.
Reply 10
about the questions being in 3 parts - can someone give an example of what this means?
Reply 11
I am doing a maths degree and I think I failed the numerical test:redface: :rolleyes:

I did bad on those tests overall. KPMG was the hardest one for online tests for me!!!:yep:
about the questions being in 3 parts - can someone give an example of what this means?
For example, you have to compare three sets of data, say e.g. which company produced the highest percentage increase etc. so uve gotta work out the info for all 5 of the companies before you can answer which is time consuming. The test takes most people by surprise first time, its not what they expect.
Reply 13
I am quite nervous. I don't consider myself that bad on maths but after failing a test for another big company, I lost confidence. The other test I failed only because I tried to answer all questions (so focused on speed rather than accuracy).

Anyway, how much practice you guys did before the test. Thanks
Reply 14
hey aline,
I have just sent off an application to KPMG so am in a similar boat. I took PwC yesterday, after being on around 80% maths in practise I KNOW i didn't get that on this one. I feel a bit more prepared now though for the KPMG one. I think just apply and go for it. I think doing SHL practice and cubiks is enough to get you used to it. Most of it is just complicated wording, as supposed to complicated maths...though of course, I havent got the results of my PwC one yet :*(
Reply 15
Yep the KPMG one was harder than PwC when I did it

the GT and PwC ones are much easier

Thought the Baker Tilly and Smith & Williamson ones were a bit harder than GT/PwC
Reply 16
I found the Baker Tilly one ok but still failed. I answered all questions on numeracy test. Stupid idea.
Reply 17
I found the Baker Tilly one ok but still failed. I answered all questions on numeracy test. Stupid idea.
I think I answered most of them

will find out how I did soon

Good luck with your jobhunt
Reply 18
I think I answered most of them

will find out how I did soon

Good luck with your jobhunt

Good luck to you as well. Baker Tilly is really good firm to work for. I have not worked for them but did some other training. Met the employees and it appeared that BT has happy bunch of employees. The partners are good fun too and very informative.
Reply 19
Well I passed the numerical test for KPMG but failed the Verbal Reasoning :frown: ahwell