My relationship with food is a very unhealthy one. When I decided to take control of my life my mum signed me up for the gym and I went 5 times in a week, every week for about 2 weeks, whilst eating healthy, and I dropped from a 109.5kg to a 98.1kg. I was ecstatic when I found out, all my hard work was paying off. However, things changed when I started school again, I couldn't go to the gym as often and my unhealthy relationship with food began again, was secretly buying junk food, and not going to the gym. I weighed myself the other day and found out that I have put on 1.9kg, (currently I'm 100.1kg), I'm disappointed but not surprised. When I go to shops to buy things I actually need e.g stationary I end up impulsively buying food for immediate gratification. My weight loss has been going around in circles I lose weight then gain even more because I can't control my impulses. When I eat healthily, I feel as if it's almost forced, and most of the time I don't really enjoy the food. I there anything I can do to stop these impulses, and motivate my self to lose weight, I've been to the gym once this week and planning to go today on Sunday evening.