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Pills for Acne

I got fed up with my terrible acne on my back, i tried everything and it didn't work so i decided to go to the doctors. They told me that moderate acne should be treated so it doesn't scar. And because it's on my back i couldn't have creams so they gave me antibiotics. I'm wondering is this medication really needed :confused: Is anyone else taking medication to treat acne ?

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Reply 1
I took antibiotics for acne when I was younger...I found it didn't do much so I went back to the doctor and I was put on the pill...which worked a treat!
im on dianette (a contraceptive pill) and i use duac gel on my chest and back when it gets bad. works a treat once your skin is used to it.
I took antibiotics for acne when I was younger...I found it didn't do much so I went back to the doctor and I was put on the pill...which worked a treat!

I have never heard of pills. Was your acne very serious or the mature type?
Reply 4
an antibiotic -erythromycin
Reply 5
Lord Hysteria
I have never heard of pills. Was your acne very serious or the mature type?

Like the contraceptive pill? It wasn't really bad acne more the fact that I had it from when I was about 11 until 15 and I was just fed up with it.
contraceptive pill called dianette, that's the one you need

ask your doctor for the solution, 'zineryt'
Reply 7
contraceptive pill called dianette, that's the one you need

ask your doctor for the solution, 'zineryt'

Only problem i've ever found with this is that it makes the skin very dry.

I've been given oxytetracycline.
Reply 8
im on.....erythromycin (sp) for about 6 months now; 6 months before it was oxytetracyclin.

TBH, my skins improved...dont get me wrong its helping...a bit, but theres still along way to go. Probs get ramped up to roaccuntane by the end of the month
Use sudacrem instead, just get someone else to apply it
A friend I know swears by Dianette (cyproterone acetate and ethinylestradiol) prescribed by her GP for her acne. However I cant comment on its effectiveness personally or the potential side effects- perhaps you could google it?
Reply 11
I used oxytetracycline which was OK but not perfect, so the doctor put me on doxycycline which I take now and it works perfectly.
They wouldn't presrcibe you antibiotics if you didn't need them, mainly because of other things like MRSA gaining immunity.
And most doctors only seem to give tablets like that out for extreme acne as my doctor refused... Instead I use Duac cream which has about 1% antibiotic inside.

Apparently Savalon is good for treating Acne as well.. Perhaps get somebody to rub it on your back for you? :smile:
is the OP a girl or a boy? I was put on dianette for mine and it's cleared up a lot, but you're not meant to be on it for a long amount of time and I've been on for four years now, they said they will take me off once I turn 20, but I've not had any problems at all with it, but some people do find they get more moody or depressed or things like that, and there is a possible link between it and breast cancer, so if it's in your family it's not advised to use it. My boyfriend was put on antibiotics for his and he had it pretty bad on his back abd has it a while so already had bad scars from previous years and it definitely helped, it's gone from his back now and the scars are a lot better as well, only thing is that it made his skin incredibly dry, he normally doens't suffer from dry skin as such but his lips peeled like mad and were sore and red all the time he was on it.
That's promoting suicide basically.

Insert starred response here.
Reply 15
I got fed up with my terrible acne on my back, i tried everything and it didn't work so i decided to go to the doctors. They told me that moderate acne should be treated so it doesn't scar. And because it's on my back i couldn't have creams so they gave me antibiotics. I'm wondering is this medication really needed :confused: Is anyone else taking medication to treat acne ?

Some Acne can be caused by certain types of germs, thats why he gave you the AB. It might help.

Some Drs. Like to use a medicine called Accutane, its a Vit. A dervived drug (but its a dangerous drug). works like a charm though. will clear that acne right up, normalize the skin, and leave no scars. I took it for 12 months when I was 18.

Ask your Dr. about it if the AB doesnt work.

Reply 16
How is it? There have been a few deaths of people taking roaccutane but it has never been proven that the drug is the cause of it.

Sorry, I was being sarcastic.
Reply 17
Insert starred response here.

Eh? :confused:
Reply 18
contraceptive pill called dianette, that's the one you need

ask your doctor for the solution, 'zineryt'

I got given both of these to use together, and there's been so much improvement.

To those who said the D. made their skin dry - I did find my face got very dry after a few weeks, but that seems to have stopped now. It's also made my hair less greasy so I only have to wash it half as often.

Seriously, use it OP! I was shocked mine worked so well/ at all.
How is it? There have been a few deaths of people taking roaccutane but it has never been proven that the drug is the cause of it. You know what's more likely? The fact that those people were deeply unhappy about the fact that they had acne. The warning in the notes inside the box are a disclaimer incase someone does commit suicide - it's not saying they will. In my notes from roche there is a list of 'possible side effects':
'Mental Problems; Very rare effects (may affect up to 1 in every 10,000 people) Some people have had thoughts about hurting themselves or ending their own lives (suicidal thoughts)....'
You are also monitored whilst you are on the drug. It's different in every case but i've been taking it for the past 6 months and not once have I felt the need to throw myself of a bridge - it's made my life better. It's unfair to put people off when it has the potential to change their lives.

It's not the roaccutane which causes depression, it's the acne. I'm on it and I feel no different, I only get down because my acne's so bad. All this media attention and hysteria the drug has been given has given it a bad name, when in fact it changes people's lives for the better.