The Student Room Group

The real Googlewhack game

This is the real Googlewhack game.

The aim of the game: You must type two words into Google without quote marks, so that the search produces exactly one result.

Additional rules:
- both of the words you type in must be real words in the view of the Google dictionary (i.e. on the right hand side of the Google screen, both the words must be blue hyperlinks that can be clicked on to give definitions)
- if a result merely a list of words (such as a bibliography, concordance, encyclopedia, glossary, thesaurus, dictionary, domain names, or plain old machine-generated random garbage), then it doesn't count.
- you must verify your Googlewhack with a printscreen.
- your word must not already be on any internet lists of Googlewhacks (although if someone's already found one, then it'll be linked to on wherever they've put it, so there'll be more than one result.)
- you can't do anything smart-arsed, for example posting two words on your own website/TSR and then searching and finding that.

Click here for full rules.

Anyone who finds a real Googlewhack will win my rep.
Reply 1
That's impossible :woo:

Edit: No it's not, got one after 5 minutes :biggrin:

+totalitarianistic +squids
That's impossible :woo:

Edit: No it's not, got one after 5 minutes :biggrin:

+totalitarianistic +squids

You have to put it in the website to verify it, then post a print screen.. :yep:
I'm getting good at this. :biggrin:
Reply 5
That's impossible :woo:

Edit: No it's not, got one after 5 minutes :biggrin:

+totalitarianistic +squids

Congrats, but "totalitarianistic" isn't in the Google dictionary, and the pluses aren't allowed (I think).
Reply 6

Well played, I'll rep you tomorrow because I owe someone a rep already.
Fair enough
Reply 8
You're a rip off merchant - This will be far less entertaining -

but for the game:

Pamphlette Conditioner

is a googlewhack -

-- Everybody however must not play this game, it is naff and does not involve the revelation of funny google hits. From people who eat faeces to blokes who should have their willies removed.


Also there is no challenge in thinking of words you haven't already searched. Where's the difficulty and challenge and fun in that? meh -

Bloody thief
Reply 9
Were do you go ton play googlewhack?
Reply 10
How do you play googlewhak
I found a Googlewhack, here it is (try it yourself!)famelicose pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis This actually only produced one search result on Google!

Attachment not found
(edited 6 years ago)
i found "interpersonalized meteorites" that had 1 article and then an even BETTER ONE was the british spelling "interpersonalised meteorites" which had NO pages!!! (although it should have one now)
uitwaaien pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism
Found by an 11 year old pupil of mine in a computer science lesson.
Reply 15
my mum
Reply 16
i ate mymum
Reply 17
trhis isnt a good ting roadman ting
Reply 18
Seriously??????????that kid must be sooooooooooooooo smart!!!!!!!