Yeah I knew I was pregnant at 2 weeks, can't really explain how I knew, I just did.
Anyway, I had a complicated pregnancy all arround so I had some symptoms that are not common in a normal pregnancy. I was tired right from the get go, I always wanted to sleep. Certain foods made me sick, and I craved things I really never liked before {dr.pepper}. The first few months werent bad, I didn't really get morning sickness or anything. I didn't gain weight until I was 7 months, but could feel the baby at 4 months, {bathroom runs every 15 mins, lol}. I had gestational diabetes so I had a tendency to pass out unexpectedly. But other than that I'd say for the most part I felt pretty normal. There were times that I had to wonder because I did not feel pregnant.
Your body does go through changes, but most are not noticeable, most of these changes happen inside. The most noticeble would be, weight gain {sometimes all over}, increased breast size, tenderness of the breasts, hormonal changes and mood swings{lots of them}, and swollen feet. All in all I enjoyed being pregnant, I loved feeling my baby move and kick, even when she woke me up at 4 am kickboxing in the womb. Anyway, the best way to find out for sure, is to get a test done at the doctors, as the home tests can sometimes read a false positive, but it wouldn't hurt to take one. Most home tests come in packs of 2 now, so the chances of both being wrong are slim to none, and most can be taken the first day of your missed period {some sooner I beleive}. If you have any questions feel free to ask me.