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Reply 1
Youre pregnant, you slut
Reply 2
did i say that? its funny ho there is always someone that jumps to conclusions!
Reply 3
*tries to remember boots stuff* A home pregnancy test should be accurate starting from the day after your due period was missed.
Reply 4
alrite so is that the best way to find out? i kinda need to know what changes the body goes through in alot of detail but the best person to ask i guess would be someone who has a kid. x
Reply 5
talk to a gynaecologist, or look in the biology book or something
Reply 6
In the early stages a lot of women complain about abdominal aches (where everything is sort of stretching and getting into position a bit), constipation and boob tenderness. If that helps at all.
edit: I'm pretty sure the doctor wouldn't test you until the first day after your missed period (same as a HPT) because the tests can't pick up on the hormone in the wee that indicates pregnancy.
Reply 7
cheers you two, i've tried looking in books etc but not much use, might try a gynaecologist though. good idea x
Reply 8
alrite so is that the best way to find out? i kinda need to know what changes the body goes through in alot of detail but the best person to ask i guess would be someone who has a kid. x

Get one of the Biology text books at school and look it up.
Reply 9
Get one of the Biology text books at school and look it up.

In general, they don't detail that sort of stuff. I'm sure a google would be more productive (and easier!)
Reply 10
If you get a first response kit then you can check up to 3 days before your period is due...
Reply 11
If you think you might be pregnant although its obviously too late for a morning after pill you can still have an IUD (the coil) fitted before ur period and that will ensure your period will start.
Reply 12
The coil can only be fitted up to 5 days after unprotected sex.

Crazy Cutee, how late is your period? Generally two to three weeks after having unprotected sex is the best time to test for pregnancy. As blissy said, early signs are some cramping (possibly), spotting, breast tenderness and enlargement, extra sensitivity to smells... Although sometimes no symptoms are present.

The best time to test is when you are roughly 5-7 days late. First response tests are OK, but the earlier you test the less of the HCG hormone is present, so occasionally you may get a false negative result.

Good Luck
Reply 13
all of my friends who have been pregnant said they could tell right away- within the first week. they couldn't explain how, just that they felt different. one of my friends said she was dizzy when she stood up, was tired all the time, and another said she felt nauseated. it's not scientific but hope that helps a bit.
Reply 14
Yeah I knew I was pregnant at 2 weeks, can't really explain how I knew, I just did.
Anyway, I had a complicated pregnancy all arround so I had some symptoms that are not common in a normal pregnancy. I was tired right from the get go, I always wanted to sleep. Certain foods made me sick, and I craved things I really never liked before {dr.pepper}. The first few months werent bad, I didn't really get morning sickness or anything. I didn't gain weight until I was 7 months, but could feel the baby at 4 months, {bathroom runs every 15 mins, lol}. I had gestational diabetes so I had a tendency to pass out unexpectedly. But other than that I'd say for the most part I felt pretty normal. There were times that I had to wonder because I did not feel pregnant.
Your body does go through changes, but most are not noticeable, most of these changes happen inside. The most noticeble would be, weight gain {sometimes all over}, increased breast size, tenderness of the breasts, hormonal changes and mood swings{lots of them}, and swollen feet. All in all I enjoyed being pregnant, I loved feeling my baby move and kick, even when she woke me up at 4 am kickboxing in the womb. Anyway, the best way to find out for sure, is to get a test done at the doctors, as the home tests can sometimes read a false positive, but it wouldn't hurt to take one. Most home tests come in packs of 2 now, so the chances of both being wrong are slim to none, and most can be taken the first day of your missed period {some sooner I beleive}. If you have any questions feel free to ask me.
Reply 15
how long would it take before you would know you were pregnant? i mean would you know within weeks of having done it or what? any help would be appreciated. x

wel ud see how late ur period is and then take a preggers test! w=if ur pregnant u can go to ur doc and they wil tell you how long uv been prgnant 4
Reply 16
You'll also get hypertension (high blood pressure) if you're pregnant.
Reply 17
Mad Caddie
You'll also get hypertension (high blood pressure) if you're pregnant.

You may get hypertension during pregnacy, but it is not a symptom of a normal pregnancy. :smile:
Babies come from the stork...

Reply 19
how long would it take before you would know you were pregnant? i mean would you know within weeks of having done it or what? any help would be appreciated. x

so are u preganant?