The Student Room Group

Social life/ parties at KCL

I'm thinking of making KCL my firm but im not sure about the social life at London unis. Do people only go clubbing or go to house parties? How often do people go out?

Also, what accommodation is the best for social life and having fun? I feel like bc KCL isn't a campus uni its harder to make friends and have a good social life ... idk
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Hi, did you end up going? I have exactly the same question
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Original post by kikaa
Hi, did you end up going? I have exactly the same question
KCL and basically all the london uni's will have a really good social life if you put yourself out there. Specifically for kcl, GDSA seems to be the most social accommodation for Guys' campus students (med and dentistry) and SSA for Strand campus students. Obviously with it being London clubbing is a big part of student life as a first year however you do find people that prefer to stay in and at the end of the day it is what you make of it. Hope this helps

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