The Student Room Group

What’s your experience at university of Hertfordshire and Anglia Ruskin?

If Anglia Ruskin, please name which campus.
In terms of overall uni experience: night life, course, organisation, ease of making friends, etc.
Hi @Jellykid,
I'm Emma, and I'm currently in my fourth year of a Business and Human Resource Management degree at ARU (with placement year). I study on the Cambridge campus, and I personally absolutely love living in the city of Cambridge as a student. It's such a student friendly city and there are so many events and things to do all the time, and lots of places to explore. The night life is really great too as its such a popular student city.
I was personally really nervous about making friends when I came to university but I haven't found this an issue at all. I really like that ARU feels like a big community and it seems like everyone knows everyone! There are lots of students from different cultures and backgrounds which I personally love as I get to find out more about different countries (and have lots of places to go and visit in the summer holidays!!).
I think the best thing about ARU for me is my course. There are lots of practical opportunities and ways to boost your employability for when you graduate. So for my course we do lots of case study business examples and are often tasked with how we would solve real life business issues.

Please do let me know if you have anymore questions :smile:

Thanks, Emma (ARU Student)
Original post by Jellykid
If Anglia Ruskin, please name which campus.
In terms of overall uni experience: night life, course, organisation, ease of making friends, etc.

Hi @Jellykid, I'm Anna and I am currently in my 3rd year studying Midwifery at ARU in Chelmsford. Just adding to the response my colleague Emma has made.

All of the ARU's campus' (Chelmsford, Cambridge and Peterborough) are in the heart of their cities and you feel part of the community. They are fairly big cities but also have their rural parts too. In terms of Chelmsford, ARU is 10-15 minute walk from Chelmsford station and the town centre where you'll find high street shops, restaurants and the nightlife i.e. pubs, bars and clubs.

I have enjoyed studying at ARU and from the moment of seeing ARU at an Open day and beginning my course, I have always found everyone (students and staff) friendly and welcoming and this is what drew me to the university. And as Emma has mentioned, you meet people from all cultures, backgrounds, ages and experiences which i like about ARU as you learn different things from different people.

ARU offers students a wide range of opportunities to get involved in, one of which is a student ambassador role. I've been a student Ambassador for almost 2 years where you work/visit schools and colleges in the surrounding areas, to inspire and help upcoming students about the option of university and get them to begin thinking about their future goals and ambitions. I really enjoy this role as i like to help others through the university process as I was once in their shoes and enjoy hearing about other peoples ambitions and interests. Perhaps this could be something you might consider or look into?

Also for my course, it is 50% theory and 50% practice, where part of my training/learning throughout the 3 years are in hospital and community settings as well as lectures and skill laboratories, which I enjoy and develops your skills and understanding.

As Emma has previously mentioned, feel free to ask us any questions about ARU cities, general university questions or about courses.

Thanks, Anna (ARU Student)
Hello ! I am ahmad I wanna ask i wanna pursue biomedical sciences I have three options… Hertfordshire .. Kingston University and ARU which one will be appropriate for me in terms of more better quality of education and my discipline is more like research based .. So in perspective laboratory facilities and other kinda things. i will be grateful for ur reply
Original post by ARUStudents
Hi @Jellykid, I'm Anna and I am currently in my 3rd year studying Midwifery at ARU in Chelmsford. Just adding to the response my colleague Emma has made.

All of the ARU's campus' (Chelmsford, Cambridge and Peterborough) are in the heart of their cities and you feel part of the community. They are fairly big cities but also have their rural parts too. In terms of Chelmsford, ARU is 10-15 minute walk from Chelmsford station and the town centre where you'll find high street shops, restaurants and the nightlife i.e. pubs, bars and clubs.

I have enjoyed studying at ARU and from the moment of seeing ARU at an Open day and beginning my course, I have always found everyone (students and staff) friendly and welcoming and this is what drew me to the university. And as Emma has mentioned, you meet people from all cultures, backgrounds, ages and experiences which i like about ARU as you learn different things from different people.

ARU offers students a wide range of opportunities to get involved in, one of which is a student ambassador role. I've been a student Ambassador for almost 2 years where you work/visit schools and colleges in the surrounding areas, to inspire and help upcoming students about the option of university and get them to begin thinking about their future goals and ambitions. I really enjoy this role as i like to help others through the university process as I was once in their shoes and enjoy hearing about other peoples ambitions and interests. Perhaps this could be something you might consider or look into?

Also for my course, it is 50% theory and 50% practice, where part of my training/learning throughout the 3 years are in hospital and community settings as well as lectures and skill laboratories, which I enjoy and develops your skills and understanding.

As Emma has previously mentioned, feel free to ask us any questions about ARU cities, general university questions or about courses.

Thanks, Anna (ARU Student)

Hello ! I am ahmad I wanna ask i wanna pursue biomedical sciences I have three options… Hertfordshire .. Kingston University and ARU which one will be appropriate for me in terms of more better quality of education and my discipline is more like research based .. So in perspective of laboratory facilities and other kinda things
Original post by Jellykid
If Anglia Ruskin, please name which campus.
In terms of overall uni experience: night life, course, organisation, ease of making friends, etc.

Bro which University you choose then, I am also in the same situation.
Hi @Jellykid

i go to ARU Cambridge and i love it personally. I study acting and it is wonderful honestly the teachers are very supportive. They are always willing to help you if you put in the effort and take on their feedback. Working hard is a given at university of course. It isn't all work and no play though! Making friends is easy on your course as you are stuck with the same people for 3 years which is honestly amazing as you become one big family. There are also a lot of societies to join and have a look at so making friends in other courses with the same interests is also possible. They usually have socials where you can all really get to know each other.

The freshers events are also awesome!! the student union set them up so they are made by us. Which makes them more down with the trends, so to speak. There are stalls for societies, pubs and clubs at the freshers fair if you end up coming to ARU. The popular clubs are MASH and Vinyl as far as i know. The bar I personally love is right near the university and that's the SIX SIX bar its great if you are alternative or into metal or are just looking for a great night out. The crowd there are always chatty and you can literally talk to anyone.

If you are looking for daytime activities there are a lot of awesome museums in Cambridge that you definitely need to take a look at, they could help with your course... Depending on what you're doing of course.

Feel free to ask any other questions

Keeley (ARU student)

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