The Student Room Group

24 and never had a life

Please keep anon, Im 24 female and have wasted my whole youth by not going out or having any friends. Ive tried to make friends at college and hinted at people that I wouldn't mind going out with them but never get invited. All I do at night is stay home Ive been clubbing once in my whole life and have never had a bf. Ive just no friends and my mum says its my fault cause I enjoy my own company to much and turned away from friends in infant school:rolleyes: Ive tried making friends but they lose interest, I live in a really quiet area but the town centre is busy Ive just no one to go with everything I do is on my own. I go to work and the few people that do talk to me have families etc the younger people are just not interested despite me initiating conversation. I feel like Ive wasted my life doing nothing Ive joined loads of clubs in the past but teh friends I had have had babies and drifted away. What would you do in my position? I can't talk about going out at night, bf's or sex because Ive never exerienced any of it!! It must be my fault, maybe its because I look under 16 I can't even buy a lottery ticket without ID, I went shopping the other week and walked past these 2 women they smiled at me and after I went past one said to the other 'see why's she not in school and wondering on her own' lol! Ok I don't want to be paranoid but Im sure they meant me. Im trying not to blame this situation on anyone or anything as all sorts of people have good lives life is what you make it so what am I doing wrong??

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Please keep anon, Im 24 female and have wasted my whole youth by not going out or having any friends. Ive tried to make friends at college and hinted at people that I wouldn't mind going out with them but never get invited. All I do at night is stay home Ive been clubbing once in my whole life and have never had a bf. Ive just no friends and my mum says its my fault cause I enjoy my own company to much and turned away from friends in infant school:rolleyes: Ive tried making friends but they lose interest, I live in a really quiet area but the town centre is busy Ive just no one to go with everything I do is on my own. I go to work and the few people that do talk to me have families etc the younger people are just not interested despite me initiating conversation. I feel like Ive wasted my life doing nothing Ive joined loads of clubs in the past but teh friends I had have had babies and drifted away. What would you do in my position? I can't talk about going out at night, bf's or sex because Ive never exerienced any of it!! It must be my fault, maybe its because I look under 16 I can't even buy a lottery ticket without ID, I went shopping the other week and walked past these 2 women they smiled at me and after I went past one said to the other 'see why's she not in school and wondering on her own' lol! Ok I don't want to be paranoid but Im sure they meant me. Im trying not to blame this situation on anyone or anything as all sorts of people have good lives life is what you make it so what am I doing wrong??

I didn't have a life until I discovered the joys of talking. Until then, I used to just sit in my room lovingly fingering my pokemon cards and reading Goosebumps books.

Then I discovered TSR. Easy come, easy go.
Maybe you need to shake things up a bit? Move to a new city, get a new job, go travelling, ect. Anything that allows you to meet people and have new experiences.
Reply 3
I'm 16 and I can safely say that I have simialr thoguhts. My ebst frined became a ithc, he stole all my other friends and I'm just a lost cause now lmao. Like Im not part of croud if you get me, everybody has a few friends that they are always with and everybody knows you belong to that certain group. I feel like I odnt belong to any gorup.

My best friend is my cousin, she is hugely popular and is very good looking, she gets all the guys and everything, somebody even porposed to her! I feel like I've not expeirencd what most students have experienced yet.

Your okder than me so it msut be hard, but believe me I ge tthe same thing happening where you jsut liek get cut off a conversation and dont get invited ot the latest party or anything. I do have friends they ar ejust mutual and there will never be a closer bond.

I know my post is useess to you and no help but I jsut want to say, you are not alone, I bet there are loads of poeple like you (and me).

Oh and loads of people say I lok like 13/14 when I'm tunring 17 in a month! Take advantage of it and get chepa trian fares hehe.
Reply 4
fingering my pokemon cards and reading Goosebumps books.

pokemon omg :biggrin: good times ^____^
yeha talking helps heaps but its not effective when the peopel you try talking to are jsut bitches that care about themselves etc.
Reply 5
Hmm, I don't know what to say, because I've not really known anything like it. Although, I'm sure you're not the only one with no friends.

Maybe it's just self-confidence.
Perhaps the main reason is you don't believe you can do it, even if you try.
I'd suggest you go out and find some people, even on your own, in a pub r whatever.
I know it'll be difficult, I mean you may perhaps feel awkward or embarrassed because you'll be alone trying to find friends, but if you spot some people you believe look nice to hang around with, who you'd like to know better perhaps the approach them. Tell them you've got no friends and want to get to know people, don't lie about it, there'd be no point. Have the confidence to say that to them, and chances are if they're decent enough folks they'll take you under their wing. I know if someone came up to me and said they were friendless I'd sympathise and let them into the group I'm in.
Must be awful.

So simply do something like that, either in a interests club/gym/pub or wherever. Just try to get noticed, be more confident in general and try to intergrate yourself in conversation with someone, about anything. Establish common interests etc etc And I'm sure it'll work out :yy: good luck -

I actually feel sorry for you. Hope it works out :smile: TC - Tf
I used to feel like that because all my mates do drugs and drink alcohol. I completely seperated myself from everyone and to be honest. I quite like it. I do have mates of course but I don't join them at the pub or anything like that. I'm in the GYM, studying or meeting a girl in the mean time. I'm content with that I am but I think maybe the whole secluded thing way not work for you I guess.
Reply 7
Wow. You sound EXACTLY like me about 1.5 years ago, and I mean exactly. I look young, had never been to a club, had no friends, talked to people at work but it didn't go anywhere, had never had a boyfriend/sex, seemed to have the worst luck with friend choices, LOVED my own company... some of those things are still the same, but I'm much, much happier now. The answer - University. If you have a chance to go, go. It's not just about education.
Reply 8
I feel the same way although not to such an extreme.

I'm 19 and got asked for ID when purchasing a 15 rated game a few months back.

And I really regret not going out more in secondary school and college kind of makes me feel like I missed out on a lot, especially since I burned all my time playing computer games. I just try to be more 'up-for-anything' nowadays. Difficult at my hometown since I don't get told about anything that goes on since I never made the contacts at school age, but Uni's not so bad although my social skills are somewhat non-existent.

If only we could change the past, my list of things to do differently would be huge :p:
Get your degree then rush headlong in to hardcore capitalism. Turn a negative in to a positive.
Reply 10
My ebst frined became a ithc, he stole all my other friends and I'm just a lost cause now lmao.

What's an Ithc?
Original post by &#946
Maybe you need to shake things up a bit? Move to a new city, get a new job, go travelling, ect. Anything that allows you to meet people and have new experiences.

I agree with this post the most.
Reply 12
How about online dating?
Reply 13
It is not important to have a life. Why would it be? There are too many of us. I don't know the meaning of life but I don't think it would be to do everything. It is to survive, to know what you could do in your circumstances to better it, even if you don't in the end do it.
Reply 14
Take this opportunity to start completely fresh.
As you don't have social ties/a relationship holding you down, take a chance and move somewhere new, maybe apply to a university in a completely different city, or travel/work abroad.

The best advice I can give is don't look at your age as a negative aspect. So your 24? Who cares, that's still very young in a lot of peoples eyes so don't worry about it.

You'll never feel as bad as you do right now, so just go for it! I wish you the best.
Please keep anon, Im 24 female and have wasted my whole youth by not going out or having any friends. Ive tried to make friends at college and hinted at people that I wouldn't mind going out with them but never get invited. All I do at night is stay home Ive been clubbing once in my whole life and have never had a bf. Ive just no friends and my mum says its my fault cause I enjoy my own company to much and turned away from friends in infant school:rolleyes: Ive tried making friends but they lose interest, I live in a really quiet area but the town centre is busy Ive just no one to go with everything I do is on my own. I go to work and the few people that do talk to me have families etc the younger people are just not interested despite me initiating conversation. I feel like Ive wasted my life doing nothing Ive joined loads of clubs in the past but teh friends I had have had babies and drifted away. What would you do in my position? I can't talk about going out at night, bf's or sex because Ive never exerienced any of it!! It must be my fault, maybe its because I look under 16 I can't even buy a lottery ticket without ID, I went shopping the other week and walked past these 2 women they smiled at me and after I went past one said to the other 'see why's she not in school and wondering on her own' lol! Ok I don't want to be paranoid but Im sure they meant me. Im trying not to blame this situation on anyone or anything as all sorts of people have good lives life is what you make it so what am I doing wrong??

jesus are you my twin.... i never go out or anything like that basically same as you but im 17..
Reply 16
I would suggest starting a whole new life. Move somewhere where you don't know anyone at all and start fresh. Make new friends, get a new job and everything. If you stick with the life you have now its not gonna change much.
im mean for me the reason why i had no life was because i felt restricted by shyness... what about you?
Reply 18

What's an Ithc?
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lol sorry my crap tytping skills.
he turned into a bitch <thats what its meant to say
Reply 19
Please keep anon, Im 24 female and have wasted my whole youth by not going out or having any friends. Ive tried to make friends at college and hinted at people that I wouldn't mind going out with them but never get invited. All I do at night is stay home Ive been clubbing once in my whole life and have never had a bf. Ive just no friends and my mum says its my fault cause I enjoy my own company to much and turned away from friends in infant school:rolleyes: Ive tried making friends but they lose interest, I live in a really quiet area but the town centre is busy Ive just no one to go with everything I do is on my own. I go to work and the few people that do talk to me have families etc the younger people are just not interested despite me initiating conversation. I feel like Ive wasted my life doing nothing Ive joined loads of clubs in the past but teh friends I had have had babies and drifted away. What would you do in my position? I can't talk about going out at night, bf's or sex because Ive never exerienced any of it!! It must be my fault, maybe its because I look under 16 I can't even buy a lottery ticket without ID, I went shopping the other week and walked past these 2 women they smiled at me and after I went past one said to the other 'see why's she not in school and wondering on her own' lol! Ok I don't want to be paranoid but Im sure they meant me. Im trying not to blame this situation on anyone or anything as all sorts of people have good lives life is what you make it so what am I doing wrong??

i ve never been in a relationship as ppl keep telling me not, n im now v okay being on my own... have some friends but only two r absolutely true but they r in different places n hard to see, have another friend whos prob a true friend, all the others are not very trustworthy... been in clubs twice n hated it pubs/bars are good on my own a lot when i watch football cos dislike ppl comments... I also spend lots of time in office in which im the only user despite visiting ppl, working etc... so basically im almost the same as you... but i would not find this as a very big problem if i am busy with work. So advice for you is to do something... like study something/research something... so that you would not have lots of idle time to think bout your life....