The Student Room Group

Paul's Boutique Handbags

Hey guys, just looking for some opinions on the Paul's Boutique handbags and have a couple of questions!! Basically, i'm saving up for a really nice designer bag, but due to a serious lack of funds i need something cheaper in the mean time as i've loved my current handbag to death - so much so that's it's falling apart, and has no zip!

Paul's Boutique bags seem quite quirky and they're all styles i quite like and seem good sizes and a good price.

I just wanted to know,

- does anyone else have one and how long has it lasted you?
- will it fall apart quickly because it isn't real leather?
- i like bags that smell & feel nice, will they satisfy this?
- do you think it's worth paying £50 for them?
- which styles do you like best?
- do they come with the charm thingies on them?

i'm quite liking the Doctor's bag, preferably in black:

i also like the Boutique padlock bag in black:

This large Oyster bag in Tan:

and the bunny one, admittedly is very garish and a bit ugly, but i think it's quite fun! :p: :

Which do you like best out of these? Or say if you hate them all :smile:

Also, as ASOS don't have them in every colour, are there any UK stockists (preferably northwest, eg chester/manchester) where i can view a larger range of colours before i buy?

Sorry about all the questions and any help/opinions are appreciated!

Thanks :biggrin:

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they have TONNES at the birminghm one, i'd imagine the same in macnhester
Reply 2
watermelon sugar
they have TONNES at the birminghm one, i'd imagine the same in macnhester

you star! i completely forgot about Selfridges, i will definitely go and have a little browse :biggrin: thank you!!
Reply 3
I've only ever had the ones made from fabric, the patterned ones and I love them although the colour faded and isn't as vibrant as they were when i first bought them.

Selfridges, Exchange square have plenty of them and also Topshop!
Reply 4
i like the pink one!!!!

i've been told theres a large range of paul's boutique bags in selfridges.

personally i wouldn't invest in one - but thats just me! sample sales are good for cheaper designer bags, and ones that are more well known on a more global scale.

But i do like these bags!!! I must admit i never actually had heard of "pauls boutique" till like 2 years when i had started college and everybody seemed to be wearing the clothing/bags.
Reply 5
i have the doctors bag and its amazing. a good size and lots of pockets to fit all your bits and bobs in!
Reply 6
i have the doctors bag and its amazing. a good size and lots of pockets to fit all your bits and bobs in!

awesome! no sign of wear & tear/stitches coming loose or anything yet? :p: the doctor's bag is def my favourite i think! which colour do you have? which would you recommend to go with more outfits colourwise?

thanks for all the responses guys! :smile:
Is this brand deliberately aimed at Beastie Boys fans?
Reply 8
i only got it a little while ago (after exams present) so no, stitching is fine right now.

i have it in black but kind of wish that i'd asked for it in tan. i used to think a black handbag goes with everything but have come to realise that it only really goes with black (or grey) and it kind of deadens other colours. whereas tan looks gorgeous with anything and only gets better with age!
Reply 9
Is this brand deliberately aimed at Beastie Boys fans?

I was just going to ask, isn't that an album....
Reply 10
I got mine in topshop in London.
I take it evvvvverywhere. I live for it. It's one of my better investments.

Its that but in a brilliant colour of green. it's so striking.
Its doing pretty ok for me. Although Me and a few otehr girls bought ours on the same day. One of them bough this one with like a handle with cord winding round it. 6 hours later as we reached the airport the cord started unwinding. But nothing like that happened to mine.

I really like the first one :smile:
Topshop Manchester! The first floor near all the accessories :biggrin:
- do they come with the charm thingies on them?

they most certainly do
I want all those bags. :redface: I love bags :redface: Got a Jasper Conran one, tis my pride and joy. :proud:
One of my friends got one from Selfridges in London I think. ;yes; or Manchester :s: I can't remember.
I have the doctors one in black, its a nice bag. I've only used it twice though so i have no idea how long it lasts and stuff!
Reply 17
thanks everyone :biggrin: you've all been really helpful! I think i've made up my mind on going to Selfridges to search for the Doctor's Bag!! woop. :smile:
Reply 18
thanks everyone :biggrin: you've all been really helpful! I think i've made up my mind on going to Selfridges to search for the Doctor's Bag!! woop. :smile:

If you wanna save a few quid,
Reply 19

you star! i'll consider buying that one :biggrin: i wanted to see them in the "flesh" ideally, but everyone's given pretty good reviews so i might just ebay it. thank you :smile: x