Ok this is a bit of a long storey but i'll try make it as short as poss. Basically i left home and moved in with friend, as I really hate living at home and can't stand being around my dad, he is quite agressive he's not overly violent he would like a lot of other parents give us a whack if we were naughty or didnt do as he said, but he's very much has to be in control, and has to be head of the house and what he says goes, if not you'll be in trouble. He also use to hurt our dog throwing things at her knocking her over when she had artritis in her hips and was old and this all just made me think less of him.
I also feel really uncomfortable around him, as he stares at me in a way you'd look at someone u fancied and would lookthem up and down. he also would put his hand on the chair next to me to lean on and it would be touching my leg so i would move over and he would move his hand so it was touching again. I dont know if i'm blowing it out of proportion but i feel so uncomfortable around him and wont wear any alightly revealing clothes around him or my pj's around him.
Apart from this i've been feeling really down to the point i've considered killing myself, so i spoke to someone on the phone and told them everything about how i felt and they said its common for people who have suffered some type of sexual abuse as a child to show these symptoms of feeling some sort of resentment towards the one who did it, but dont remember why as you've blocked it out. Could this really be true? It would explain a lot.
But then theres another thing to add, I know this was so wrong and i'm a horrible person for doing it but i lied to a friend and said my dad had raped me, i think i did it cos i felt so bad i needed a reason why i felt the way i did. my friend knows i lied as i told her and i shouldnt have done it, but it was easy to say i had as it explained why i felt like i did about my dad and why i felt the way i did about myself.
another reason i dont know but i have been raped but daren't tell anyone as i feel its my fault, i had too much to drink and it just got out of hand and this man from my college took advantage of the situation and i was too out of it to stop him, and i think maybe by me lying and saying it was my dad it explained whyi felt the way i did and then i didnt have to explain i got raped because it was my fault as i was too drunk.
anywayits just a complete mess, i feel worse now having lied to my friend even though she has been so understanding and feel even more suicidal than before, although i dont deserve the easy way out of dying.
just wanted peoples advice and opinions on what they think?