I go to the University of Manchester and last year I studied Physics. Let's just say that didn't go well and I failed 8/10 modules. They gave me an option to resit those modules but I declined, because I could not do that amount on work in such a short space of time and just simply because I didn't want to.
There could be many reasons as to why I have failed (I should know because I'm the type of person that analyses everything in my head). First one is that I simply did not do enough work. Another was that I was determined to have a good social life because my Pre-uni social life was not great. A lot of people asked why I was continuing on this course if I was not enjoying it. (They got the impression that I did not enjoy it because of the amount of times I complained about it).
That got me thinking that maybe I was not working hard enough because I did not love Physics. You could say that my intention to get a Physics degree was to say that I have this prestigious, hard to get degree and that businesses will be fighting over me after graduation!
Needless to say that I became severely depressed, there is nothing like failure to fuel your depression! Then your social life takes a turn for the worse because you don't want to socialise any more and you realise you become a bore because all you can do is complain. You kinda have no reason to get mashed on a night out if you have nothing to celebrate.
So laziness kicks and I spent my days just staying up watching tv on your laptop (On an unrelated note, I love How I Met Your Mother) and aimlessy browsing the internet, just refreshing your facebook for that last morsel of social normality. I just wanted uni to be over.
Now it's the summer and I have no job, nothing to show for my first year and I am hoping to switch course (I am trying to switch to Electronic Systems Engineering) determined that I will change and things will be different this time round, they better be because Engineering will be not be a walk in the park. However I am doubting myself once again because of the unproductive way I am dealing with this summer.
Sorry to go into depth, I just wanted to give you a feel for what has happened to me in the past year.
I think I can offer advice to people in Sixth From choosing Physics, I'd tell them to make sure that this is really what they want to do! Now I just need someone who has been in my situation to help me!
Any help/comments will be appreciated!