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The Ruined Maid and The Great Gatsby

I was wondering if anyone had made any comparisons between The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald and The Ruined Maid by Thomas Hardy. I've been trying to make a connection between Myrtle and 'Melia but I'm struggling a bit. Any ideas?
they both have to rely on their sexuality and men to survive. Myrtle has an illicit relationship with Gatsby as it allows her to live a more prosperous life which she hopes to keep, but ultimately never does due to her death. Melia also has a relationship that does not conform to the societal norm, which also allows her to live better off, such as being able to wear fancy feathers and things (can't remember exact quotes). However, the way they are different is that Melia has an awareness that what she is doing is only bringing her temporary material prosperity, due to her consistently reminding the girl that she cannot have her life because she isn't ruined, and is brushing off any signs that could be interpreted as romantacising her way of life, whereas Myrtle believes that this is her ticket to a better life and that this will work and become permanent, due to her desperation to keep up the façade of being rich, with her consistent changing in clothing and want to have a dog etc.
Both girls rely on men to survive, and rely on their bodies and sexuality to bring them prosperity and essentially give them the luxuries of the upper class, despite scrutiny from society, however, myrtle dies trying to chase the impossible idea that she will become a member of the upper class by having her relationship with tom, whereas melia understands the consequences and the risks of the relationships she is having in the city.

sorry if this doesn't make any sense I don't have my annotations with me to give you proper quotes and examples, but hope this helps :smile:
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thank youuuu

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