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Dianette for spots

ive read that the contraceptive pill Dianette is good for acne and skin conditions. i dont have severe acne but i do get spots all the time and was wondering if i should suggest this pill if i go to the doctors? i hate my skin, there hasnt ever been a single day where ive had no spots at all. also read that its good for controlling oil and i have the greasiest skin ever. has anyone/is anyone on this pill? how effective is it? i also have lots of scars from spots, does it help these at all? im sick of covering my face with foundation and dont want to be doing this the rest of my life. i literally cant be seen with no makeup coz i look so bad! also im going on holiday soon and makeup+sun just dont go! help!
4 of my friends have been on it, but their acne was quite bad, but they have got quite good skin now.
You may aswell suggest it. :smile:
Reply 2
It does clear up skin amazingly well
Reply 3
im on it and i had really awful skin before and its improved soooo much, definately worth trying
Reply 4
drink plenty of water and wash your face 3 times a day.

it actually works
drink plenty of water and wash your face 3 times a day.

it actually works

Maybe, but persistant acne is usually caused by hormones/genes, two factors which no amount of water and face washing can control.

OP, I was on Dianette for about a year and it cleared up my skin completely. It really works. The massive drawbacks are the quite servere potential side- effects and the fact that, because of these dangerous side effects it is only suitable for short time use. After a year of being on it and getting used to having perfect skin, my doctor made me come off it and what with all the hormone changes, my skin went haywire! My skin was even worse than it was before I started Dianette. For this reason I kind of wish I'd never gone on it. You mght be better off asking your doctor for another brand of the pill that helps with skin, such as Marvelon or Yasmin. They're not quite as effective as Dianette but safe to be on long term so make more sense to me! I've been on Marvelon for 5 months and my skin is virtually clear again.:smile:

Good luck!
Reply 6
I used to be on Dianette, and it did work fairly well.
Last time I went to the doctor however, she was reluctant to put me back on it, apparently it's now listed as solely an acne treatment rather than a contraceptive..but I think it can still be used for both.
My skin's like that, but it's a lot less obvious than it used to be..think I just "grew out of it"! And I'm not sure about Dianette and scarring from spots, wouldn't have thought it would help but I think Bio Oil is supposed to be good?
Reply 7
A friend of my Mum's suggested it to me so I asked my doctor about it. She put me on it but only short term. It cleared my spots instantly, along with the greasy skin. There are too many side effects to staying on it for too long
Reply 8
Hey, ive been on dianette for about a year now, it has cleared up my skin but as its a higher dosage pill you have to be aware of the side effects, im looking to come off it as have had bad mood swings and illness since ive been on it.
im on has seriously messed with my moods though. the other day i broke down in tears because i couldn't find the sellotape :no: made me seriously tired too. le sigh.
I was put n Dianette for my acne and another antibiotic to help clear my skin and now my skin'd perfect.

Dianette teamed with the antibiotic worked wonders within weeks.
Guess i'm the only person it's done the opposite for then, though i've only been on dianette for a month. But this month i've had the worst spots i've had in years, did anyone else notice this before it started to get better?

Never really had that many spots in general but this pill seems to have made them alot worse within the month i've been on it.
Reply 12
Guess i'm the only person it's done the opposite for then, though i've only been on dianette for a month. But this month i've had the worst spots i've had in years, did anyone else notice this before it started to get better?

Never really had that many spots in general but this pill seems to have made them alot worse within the month i've been on it.

i noticed that in the first month too, but then it all cleared up :smile:
im really not looking forward to being taken off it which is what usually happens, as it has worked really well.
Reply 13
Its fantastic!

I have been on it for nearly a year now and noticed the change in ONE WEEK.

Its great if you get bad period pain aswell- it is no-where near as bad. :smile:

Go for it!
Reply 14
I was on dianette for a while due to troublesome skin and it worked really well. It took a few months though. I definitely think you should at least suggest it.
Reply 15
Original post by BellaMemoria
Guess i'm the only person it's done the opposite for then, though i've only been on dianette for a month. But this month i've had the worst spots i've had in years, did anyone else notice this before it started to get better?

Never really had that many spots in general but this pill seems to have made them alot worse within the month i've been on it.

Hi, i know these post are from 2008 but ive just been put on dianette, and its been 2 weeks and my skin is an absolute mess, so much worse than it was before i started, i was just wondering if your still even on this site...did it get better for you as you carried the pill on?
Original post by zxheidizx
Hi, i know these post are from 2008 but ive just been put on dianette, and its been 2 weeks and my skin is an absolute mess, so much worse than it was before i started, i was just wondering if your still even on this site...did it get better for you as you carried the pill on?

I am also having this exact same problem - anyone please help??
Reply 17
Original post by zxheidizx
Hi, i know these post are from 2008 but ive just been put on dianette, and its been 2 weeks and my skin is an absolute mess, so much worse than it was before i started, i was just wondering if your still even on this site...did it get better for you as you carried the pill on?

Original post by Hevhevhev
I am also having this exact same problem - anyone please help??

Hey! Did you persist with dianette? I’m a few days from finishing my 3rd month and my skin is just getting worse