I HATE Timpsons...
I took a pair of new-ish Zara sandals to them at the beginning of the summer, and said I just wanted the heels done. They asked if I wanted them resoled too, but I made a big point of saying 'no,' (as I always scratch the soles of shoes with sandpaper when I first get them so I don't slip over - means they look a bit funny!).
The next day, I go to pick them up and the bloke asks for £26. Apparently they'd done the heels AND the soles, even though I'd told them not to, and were insisting I paid for it. My collection slip just had 'heel' ticked so I made a bit of a fuss saying that they'd made the mistake, not me. Made no difference though as the guy just got progressively more nasty, to the point where I just paid up because I was scared.
Never ever ever EVER again...