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Tips to stop myself crying?

Basically I've got a rather emotional goodbye tomorrow, and I need to stop myself from crying.

My family is moving to the US in 10 days, and tomorrow is the last time that I will see two kids who I babysat for ages and are like extra siblings. However, it is being seriously played down and positives played up - I've been invited to stay for a weekend, we will talk on Skype with webcams etc - because they've been through a lot, and my 6 year old sister keeps getting upset because she's leaving all her friends, grandparents and I'm off to uni in September. Hence I can't cry because it will upset everyone else.

Does anyone have any tips or tricks to stop myself from crying? Thank you.

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Reply 1
I suppose its a case of thinking about the positives. The fact you're going to stay and can keep in touch etc.
You're bound to be upset and its one of them times where you probs wont be able to help but cry.

I hope tomorrow goes ok for you :hugs:
Try to remember that you have to be the adult in front of the little ones. I have had to say many hard goodbyes too (my 4 year old brother for one), and that's what I do.

And if you do cry, don't worry about it. I'd be crying too, so just try to stay positive and make the most of the time you have to spend with them.
Reply 3
cross your toes...
the difficulty of the manouevre in shoes will take your mind off it
hope everything goes ok and youre not too sad etc.
Reply 4
Go to your mom and cry it out. Seriously, it's gonna come out sooner or later. I'm a guy, yes, and I don't know as much about this, but im sure it's going to come out.

Cry it out before hand, alone or with your mom :smile:
Let it out, best way for it.
I'd encourage you to let it out too, perhaps on the final goodbye-get in the car-drive off stage. A good way to stop yourself crying is to stab yourself with something ( i dont mean it the way you are probably thinking lol), even digging a finger nail into a finger tip works :wink:
Reply 7
Get on with it, you're moving to the US it's not like you're forced into emmigration through famine or war.
Reply 8
Get on with it, you're moving to the US it's not like you're forced into emmigration through famine or war.

That doesn't stop it being a bad time for her.. :rolleyes:
My friend moved to New Zealand about 18 months ago, and the last time I saw her I was sure I would cry. And I didn't - it seems, the more convinced you are you're going to cry, the less likely you are to actually do it. Or that works for me, anyway.
You will find the strength not to get too emotional - you'd be amazed what you are capable of if you really try but you are going to have to let all the emotions out sometime otherwise you will explode.
Reply 11
Its fine to cry, but keep smiling. Young kids have several associations to do with emotions - so crying is leaking eyes, sad face and unhappy mouth. If you break one of those, tend to get a bit confused and so not upset as a result. Like someone else said, you have to be the adult in front of the kids :smile: I always find that slow, long, deep breaths helps to calm myself

Good luck :smile:
Think how selfish you're being, letting them see you so upset. It's bound to make them cry, too. Tell yourself you don't want to inflict any pain on them, intentional or not.

Stiff upper lip, and all that.
I'd be over the moon for them. I don't think I would cry in this situation, maybe a little sad they are moving away but not emotional as such. Never the less we are all different.

Just stay focused and think happy. Think about the new, and possibly better, life they are going to have. It must be exciting for them and to see you upset might make them feel guilty or something, which may put a downer on their excitement.

I once told my little brother I am moving to Australia when I finish university, and he started crying.
Reply 14
Awh OP... :hugs:

Cry it all out properly, whether thats before they go or whilst your saying goodbye.

I was upset just the other day about having to leave my friends and i cried for a whole hour, but OP since then i've felt so great.

I really believe the best thing is to cry it all out, you'll feel so much better after. :smile:
not really, i'm afraid. i've been through the whole emigrating thing, the most painful thing i've ever done. brace yourself. :hugs:
Reply 17
Maybe let it all out before so when the time comes you won't have much tears left to cry? :console:
Tongue between your inscissors and bite down. Always worked for me.

That does hurt though. A lot. So try between molars if you'd rather. Doesn't hurt half as much then.

And keep to short sentences. It's almost always while someone's talking they start crying. Talking is an evil thing.
Reply 19
Joke and laugh, everyone thinks you're laid back and all goes smoothly. It usually works for me, and it normally breaks the awkward silences too. Plus everyone thinks 'great at least one person is half pulled together', even though you're not..but they don't need to know that!