The Student Room Group

What's the poorest you've ever been...

Now I literally mean how little money you, yourself have had at any given point. I don't mean how much your dad gets paid or whatever.

I went through 2 weeks with no more than 12p in my pocket. That was all the money I had, as I'd maxed out my overdraft to its entirety, spent all my wages the week before and had no form of getting any more money from anyone.

Thank god I lived at home for uni, as it meant I could take packed-lunches in like some little year 6 kid and I thankfully had a monthly travelcard at the time which I'd bought (actually I think it was the reason for my being poor - Gggrrr, Ken Livingstone!) but apart from that I had nout!

Everyone else?

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Reply 1
I think round about now is the poorest i've ever been.. no income, about £300 spent on my credit card and my overdraft maxed out.. I have about 25p in my pocket left from when my mum sent me to get some milk with some money.
Reply 2
I've always had enough of anything, I think.
Reply 3
Now is the poorest Ive ever been, Im £100 into my overdraft, and its only gonna get worse
Reply 4
I've always had enough of anything, I think.

Yeah humbly am in the same situation.
Reply 5
Including debt - right now. £1250 maxed overdraught plus a year's worth of student loan (I rarely include that - as I won't have to start paying it off until I'm about 25). Plus I owe my dad a few hundred and my mum about 50. I have £45 in my wallet. So... technically -£1455, right now, is the poorest I've ever been.

Not including debts, probably about £5 - £10 is the least I've had cash-in-hand.
Reply 6
won't any of your parents lend u any money or are they like mine :redface:
Reply 7
I think I'm insured against running out of money, under the terms of Psalm 23. :biggrin:
Reply 8
Now is the poorest Ive ever been, Im £100 into my overdraft, and its only gonna get worse

The STudent Overdraught is lethal. I hit -£500 in the first month, and maxed it out at -£1250 in less than 6 months. They froze my account - I still haven't payed any of it back. Any pay I get for work goes into another account... because there are a few delayed direct debits on the overdraught account :redface:
Reply 9
I've never been without really, although I guess that'll change when I get to uni.
Reply 10
I've never been without really, although I guess that'll change when I get to uni.

Unless your parents give you huge handouts - it WILL change. To be honest I don't like students who take big handouts. Borrowing a few quid is OK, but not huge amounts. I don't mind parents paying for accomodation and helping with money for food etc... but not just handing out cash.
Paying for accommodation is handing out rather a lot of cash!

You need to do something about that overdraft and direct debits. Your credit history is being shot to hell.
Reply 12
I now owe in excess of £12,000 - that includes, my car, credit card, overdraft, student loan (£4000 of student loan so far).
I have £5 in the bank right now and I really don't want to use my overdraft.
I f**ked up my bank accounts last year, and ended up with the collections department forcing me to pay back my overdraft. So, about last Easter would be the poorest I've been, because thats when it started.

Its still killing me right about now, there was a slump during my retakes ( yeah, I'm stupid as well :wink: ) where I had nothing to spend at all for about 3 weeks, I all but ran out of food and ended up living on pasta and pesto.
Not Good.
Reply 15
I never have any money in my purse -I can't spend what I don't have! I'm never in a dire situation with my accounts, always at least £400 in credit and I really really would not want to use my overdraft.
Reply 16
I've not applied for an overdraft, I told the manager I'd apply for one when I needed it. My parents are paying me £25 a week I think, is that a large handout?

I've got about £200, give or take - about £200! I'm not organised with my finances either.

Hang on, I have £80 in my wallet that I was going to put into my debit card account, when I find a cash machine that takes deposits...
Reply 17
least i've had in my bank account is about £3

i owe about £4k in student loans, but its not too much
the poorest was last week 17p in my account!!!
But i got paid so its all good now
Reply 19
Erm, I have at one stage had nothing. I was 15 and i was living on the streets for a couple of months. It was mostly hunger that drove me back. I was never very good at asking for money!! :redface: