Aaron 1415,
I have to say that I agree with MV. And, his quote says it all:
Better to fight for something, than to live for nothing.
Do you mind me asking how old you are?
I understand that you are the only thing your mum has got, but whether you join the military or not, you cant be there all the time (unless you plan on never leaving home).
When I first started skydiving, my parents were upset as I spent every weekend at the dropzone, and with work it means they rarely see me, even though I live at home. But they coped, and they got used to it. They can see how happy I am doing what I do, and they are happy because of that.
You could chat to your mum every week on the phone, and pop in when your free. But, you cant plan your life around your mum.
I think that you really need to sit down and have a proper chat with her. Have it all planned out so that you dont miss bits.
*what would make you happy
*the amazing opportunities you would get with the military
*above statistics
*point out that she got on with her life, and left home
etc, etc
Hope you end up with a good outcome.