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Well if they are subjects which arent generally respected then its probably a good idea, as you can do a degree in anything nowadays which devalues having a degree.
Reply 2
john williams
Well if they are subjects which arent generally respected then its probably a good idea, as you can do a degree in anything nowadays which devalues having a degree.

The trouble is they are not!

Subjects include Chemistry, Modern languages, Music etc.

Check out the Education Guardian website and see for yourself. It's a worrying prospect when those degree courses that are highly valued and considered amongst the most demanding are being lost.
Reply 3
The Uni of Exeter has today announced that the department of Chemisty is closing as of the end of the year!

Other courses being scrapped are pure biology, Italian and music.

I have friends of the course who will be offloaded elsewhere. All the staff are being laid off. Neadless to say, campus is seriously in turmoil, the Guild (SU) are silent, and the students are getting seriously angry....

There will be further overhauls of lifelong learning, engineering, computer science, pure mathematics and statistics and operational research.,12028,1357013,00.html

Seems like the VC is making up for scrappy managment by closing the schools that give Exeter its reputation!

Can they get away with this?
Reply 4
OMG this is some serious sh*t

they cant get away with it!!!!!! (but they probably will)
Reply 5
thanks to top up fees the world of higher education is becoming a competitive industry in its own right. market forces have no sympathy, expect no less.
Reply 6
OMG this is some serious sh*t

they cant get away with it!!!!!! (but they probably will)

they can. how can they not?
Reply 7
The Uni of Exeter has today announced that the department of Chemisty is closing as of the end of the year!

Other courses being scrapped are pure biology, Italian and music.

I have friends of the course who will be offloaded elsewhere. All the staff are being laid off. Neadless to say, campus is seriously in turmoil, the Guild (SU) are silent, and the students are getting seriously angry....

There will be further overhauls of lifelong learning, engineering, computer science, pure mathematics and statistics and operational research.,12028,1357013,00.html

Seems like the VC is making up for scrappy managment by closing the schools that give Exeter its reputation!

Can they get away with this?

To be honest, and I know this is extreme, I would no longer consider Exeter to be a university of good standing if it loses core departments like chemistry...It's an original subject and for it to no longer be offered...Disgrace! :frown: :tongue:
Reply 8
They're having problems like that at UEA - the school of Languages, Linguistics and Translation studies and also the Drama school have been threatened with closure, but its not been as bad as what it sound like at Exeter, they've actually been quite good with student meetings and stuff.
Nicking my link, eh? Kidding.

I think its terrible. I do English, probably the largest dept in the University so will not personally be adversely affected, but closing down one of the main branches of the sciences is a ridiculous idea! It also doesn't add to the repuation of the uni, knowing that a large area of academia has been neglected. I feel terrible for the Chemistry students (also music, Italian and Biology by the sound of it), particularly the first years for whom this decision has completely threatened their future.

This being media week here should be interesting - a lot of discussion and protest. Exepose writers will certainly be overworked.
I'm really surprised. Isn't Exeter supposed to be one of the best unis in the country? Surely they must have plenty of students on those courses.

Where are the students getting moved to? They must be hoping for somewhere at least as good as Exeter.
Reply 11
Universities scrap courses every year. Doesn't mean all other unis will follow suit.
Reply 12
Cambridge University is seriously considering closing its Architecture department - I think most unis are having to close faculties.
Reply 13
Cambridge University is seriously considering closing its Architecture department - I think most unis are having to close faculties.

Architecture?! i thought that was one of their most popular courses?
Reply 14
Cambridge University is seriously considering closing its Architecture department - I think most unis are having to close faculties.

Eeesh, that really would make me lose respect for it as a uni - I wouldn't be able to think of it in any light other than as incomplete...
Reply 15
{ingnik']Architecture?! i thought that was one of their most popular courses?

Here's its the research fellows/Phd students that count, not undergrads.
Reply 16

Where are the students getting moved to? They must be hoping for somewhere at least as good as Exeter.

It will be really harsh if they get moved to a university that isnt at the same standard as Exeter, after all the work they done to get onto the course
Reply 17
My mate just started chemistry there 8 weeks ago! Bummer
Reply 18
The trouble is they are not!

Subjects include Chemistry, Modern languages, Music etc.

Check out the Education Guardian website and see for yourself. It's a worrying prospect when those degree courses that are highly valued and considered amongst the most demanding are being lost.

I think you'll find Exeter is following in the footsteps of other unis. I know for sure that Kings scrapped its Chemistry department, which was pretty shocking. Especially considering two Kings scientists (Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin) contributed in the discovery of DNA - though Cambridge likes to take the credit for it from what I hear.
Reply 19
Pencil Queen
And oh dear! their crisis management isn't very effective - there's no press release or information clearing up the situation on the exeter website:frown::frown::frown:

nope, and thats not extinguishing any rumours!