The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I'm not a make up artist myself, but i recently had my hair & make up done for my prom and that cost me £50 for about an hour, and she told me she had about 3 jobs before me, and about 4 after, and mine was the cheapest as it was only for prom
for weddings etc they can charge alot! the pay's very good, as it is your own rates if you're doing it free lance
you can get your portfolio put on hair and make up websites like also, which would generate buisness
Sorry i don't know anymore info lol, that's just from what i've seen during prom
If you become a self employed make up artist, the work and pay is whatever you want. You could specialise in say, weddings and proms, or tv and theatrical.
Make sure you go on a decent course, by a recognised body - some are worthless and a waste of money.

One of the best ways to become successful is through word of mouth - do a friends for a party and give her a few business cards. Build a decent portfolio, be prepapred to work for free/cheap for a while, until you have a decent enough portfolio to show your experience.

Always look clean and professional and clean your brushes and sponges between each client!!!

:-P Good luck :-)
Reply 3

You can also register with make up agencies, some of them specialise on film, television, editorial or weddings.

Wedding ones are easier to get to, as you don't need as much experience to do bridal make up. Try: their pay decent money, some other exploit you and pay very little.

Reply 4
I'm a make up artist and it's true you can make a good career but to start with is hard as nobody knows you.

You can register with an agency but be careful because some exploit you and pay peanuts. One of the best is Absolutely Beautiful they are lovely, very well run and pay very good rates (minimum £40 an hour)

Reply 5
You have to really creative in order to become a make up artist. The best thing to do is to always on the lookout for new ideas.
Reply 6
Hi guys, I am currently training at a London academy for my Pro Make-Up and Hair Stylist qualification.
I am looking to set up a freelance business specialising in weddings and special occasion make up and hair. I am having a problem in choosing the right name for my business I have a few names I just cant choose.. can you please give me some advice on what names you like and why?? or maybe have any suggestions...

any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

1. Brush 2 Blush Beauty
2. Beauty on the go
3. Made up for Make-up
4. Beauty on call

Thank you :smile:
(edited 9 years ago)