I'm going to apply for 2009 entry, not entirely sure about college choice but i've whittled it down to three (St Catharine's, Corpus Christi and Trinity Hall) and i'm going to see them soon so hopefully that will aid my decision.
Like Damian i'm wondering if it matters what discipline your DoS specialises in, both throughout the course and also at interview; I don't mind having to talk about all three disciplines in some way but archaeology is really my area and I think i'd completely flounder if I got in there and I was suddenly quizzed totally about biological anthropology.
Also, what effect does having an external DoS have upon your learning experience? Trinity Hall has an external one but I don't really want that to put me off applying as otherwise I really like the look of the college.
And finally, biological anthropology: how hard is it for someone who hasn't done A level biology? And would you say that at times it can be frustrating to have to study two other disciplines when you only really want to concentrate on one area? I only say this because I know someone who dropped out of the degree at Oxford because they found themselves in that exact situation. Personally I find the prospect of studying all three disciplines together appealing, and of course it's only for the first year at Cambridge, but I would just like to hear your opinions.