The Student Room Group

boys opinions on meeting girls

HEY everyone...

its lately become apparent to me that for guys, meeting girls can be a tough job, particularly in bars and clubs where its noisy and full of social circles which seem impossible to penetrate to meet the girl you want....

who here finds it easy to meet and get to know girls, and who finds it awfully difficult?

i fancy a bit of a discussion:cool: hehe...and any girls with any opinions would also be welcomed!

Joey C

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Well as a girl I can say I find it just as hard to meet and get to know guys anywhere. The most success was in the queue to ride Oblivion in Alton Towers.
Reply 2
Bars and clubs are rubbish for meeting people - particularly if you only go to bars and clubs to meet people. Passive acquaintance through other activities (be that sport, volunteering or any kind of special interest group) is much more pleasant (and effective) IMHO.
Reply 3
in bars and clubs it is hard to get to know someone.its far easier when theres less distraction
Reply 4
House parties are [in my opinion] the best venues to meet people. Generally everyone there has a friend or two in common so there's an instant conversation starter, the music isn't so loud that you have to scream in their ear [attractive no?] and to top it off there's generally a very relaxed atmosphere which stops you from getting too worked up about how to go talk to a specific someone.

All boxes ticked really. :smile:
Bars and Clubs are hard i agree, you dont really get to know there personailty as you cant rele demostrate it in a club very well due to the hectic siuation you are surrounded by. I think a quieter location and were you can actually listen to one another is much better.
Bars and clubs are rubbish for meeting people - particularly if you only go to bars and clubs to meet people. Passive acquaintance through other activities (be that sport, volunteering or any kind of special interest group) is much more pleasant (and effective) IMHO.

Agreed. Trying to chat up girls in bars or clubs Imao ..requires talent, or maybe it's the type of girl???? My mate mused to go out to clubs alone, yes alone and dance, to meet up with girls.. he's now a great-grandad approaching 60 (just before you think otherwise..) So it can be done.

But I think he spent a lot of night dancing alone and considering I can't dance, well societies and clubs are the way forward.. though I always meet girls with boyfriends.. one thing tho, ask them howd they met ..maybe even do a thread on here ...'howd you meet your boyfriend...' to get the gist of how peeps meet.

sorry, i'll shut up now. ironically there's always the internet
I think bars are great, far quieter then clubs, although don't me wrong, I'm always up for some crazy, manic, club dancing. :smile:
Reply 8
It's a pain in the arse in clubs. You have to approach girls in big groups in order to penetrate the circle (figuratively and literally); which is hard considering all my mate's have girlfriends :argh:
Reply 9
Well Being A Metrosexual, I find it quite easy to nip into town and trundle round the local shopping centre, without becoming bored of endless interest in clothes that girls wont buy (tad sexist, but generally true). So i usually go meet people in town, do some shopping, grab some luch. its all rather easy :biggrin: :biggrin:
Reply 10
ooo i like these opinions...

i personally love bars and clubs, i feel like for meeting people and "pulling" they are the field where you can go and with a bit of confidence, meet someone every time.

the reason i ask this is because im a fairly confident guy, ive had my fair share of experiances(bad and good lol) and i find meeting people quite easy. ive been rejected, accepted and everything else, and after a good 3-4 years of clubbing i now can confidently say i know how to act and what to say to generate that vibe that sparks that attraction switch.

i personally would like to offer anyone advice on meeting people and answer any questions regarding the subject as we all have to start somewhere!
House parties are [in my opinion] the best venues to meet people. Generally everyone there has a friend or two in common so there's an instant conversation starter, the music isn't so loud that you have to scream in their ear [attractive no?] and to top it off there's generally a very relaxed atmosphere which stops you from getting too worked up about how to go talk to a specific someone.

All boxes ticked really. :smile:

Yeah I agree, but the right kind of bar can have the same atmosphere.
If I like a girl (if she's in town or whatever) I'll offer her my number on a piece of paper. Yesterday I went to the cinema with a girl from this method of initiation and it was awesome. I really like her, and even though we hugged and kissed am not sure she likes me in *that* way just yet. But still, we had a great time together and I hope to meet up with her again (she said she wanted to meet up and do something).

As for clubs, just go up to them, even if they're in a group. I've had rejections, but have had some awesome successes too.

I've exchanged kisses with a number of girls in clubs, but nothing has ever really come out of it.

If she's in town?
You're the right height to be standing up while sucking my cock .

Thats something that will never happen.
If she's in town?

Yeah, like walking, shopping etc.
Reply 15
u go for a complete direct opener, thats something ive never done simply because once you meet them you dont know what you have in common and have to generate a friendship from there...

when it comes to opening a conversation ive always found that asking for an opinion(something topical is usually best, such as if your in a card shop and you see a girl you like, ask what she recomends) is the best way to open a conversation....

but gd on u!
Reply 16
Most girls are really dumb, with no self control. Just offer them a few drinks and compliments and they'll (well you know what).

Dear God THAT'S ME!! :eek:

Bar's and that can be arkward but the easiest way from what Ive seen is to dance next to girls and siddle up to them. Hmm... I wonder if it can work the other way too....
Reply 17
yeah bars/clubs are not that bad, best if they have quiter areas, sofas etc as well as a dancefloor, but a lot of people find them intimidating (cos of the loud noise, big groups etc), which makes it even easier for the boys who arent intimidated.

Otherwise, anywhere is cool to meet girls. they like boys. they want you to talk to them and show them what a great person you are. they like sex. they want you to sweep them off their feet and then take them home and pound them into the matress until they cant remember their own names (dont take me too seriously, obviously girls dont necessarily want to be approached; they mite have a boyf, they might have other things on their mind etc, its just a good mindset to have if your looking for someone).
i know your pain..... being out, in clubs/pubs etc is not easy to meet people agreeed...all you can do is shoot some killer smiles in their direction and hope that they come parties as someone said are the best, ive met sooo many people at them before, tis more relaxed and friendly generally....and also, correct me if i'm wrong, but in my opinion, people only go out to pull and not really meet any potential gfs....thats my view of guys house parties its more conversation based, so gives you the chance to get to know someone really well with the possibility of a repeat date afterwards.
Well Being A Metrosexual, I find it quite easy to nip into town and trundle round the local shopping centre, without becoming bored of endless interest in clothes that girls wont buy (tad sexist, but generally true). So i usually go meet people in town, do some shopping, grab some luch. its all rather easy :biggrin: :biggrin:

Why the hell don't you support Oldham? LAME.