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GCSE geography fieldwork paper

I’ve recently done my second set of mocks and I’ve been getting grade 9s in my human and physical papers, but with my paper 3 I’ve been getting a 4 which is a pretty big drop. I think it’s the 6-12 mark familiar fieldwork questions that are screwing me up so if anybody has any advice I’d love to hear it! Thanks!
Original post by Failing Physics
I’ve recently done my second set of mocks and I’ve been getting grade 9s in my human and physical papers, but with my paper 3 I’ve been getting a 4 which is a pretty big drop. I think it’s the 6-12 mark familiar fieldwork questions that are screwing me up so if anybody has any advice I’d love to hear it! Thanks!

now im terrified because i have geography paper 3 todayyyy!
Original post by Bhaker_5x
now im terrified because i have geography paper 3 todayyyy!

Good luck! :biggrin:
Original post by laurawatt
Good luck! :biggrin:

thank you!
Original post by Failing Physics
I’ve recently done my second set of mocks and I’ve been getting grade 9s in my human and physical papers, but with my paper 3 I’ve been getting a 4 which is a pretty big drop. I think it’s the 6-12 mark familiar fieldwork questions that are screwing me up so if anybody has any advice I’d love to hear it! Thanks!

Maybe it’s worth going through the paper with a teacher? I’m sure they wouldn’t mind :smile:

I would say maybe approach it as though your fieldwork is a case study? Or just get more used to answering those types of question - or just planning them to see what you can include. Be quite evaluative of your methods/data and make sure to link back +answer the question! :smile:
Original post by Bhaker_5x
now im terrified because i have geography paper 3 todayyyy!

You’ll be amazing! Good luck :smile:
Original post by laurawatt
Maybe it’s worth going through the paper with a teacher? I’m sure they wouldn’t mind :smile:

I would say maybe approach it as though your fieldwork is a case study? Or just get more used to answering those types of question - or just planning them to see what you can include. Be quite evaluative of your methods/data and make sure to link back +answer the question! :smile:

Thanks man that really helps :smile:
Reply 7
The content itself is quite easy as you don't need to learn anything, simply recall the trip from memory. Look carefully at the questions. What are they asking for? Are they asking you to describe? To explain? Long mark questions can be intimidating so tackle them like 3 two markers. Jot down bullet points of what you want to say beside the question so you know exactly what points you're going to make and to make sure you don't leave anything out. Best of luck!
Original post by itsruney
The content itself is quite easy as you don't need to learn anything, simply recall the trip from memory. Look carefully at the questions. What are they asking for? Are they asking you to describe? To explain? Long mark questions can be intimidating so tackle them like 3 two markers. Jot down bullet points of what you want to say beside the question so you know exactly what points you're going to make and to make sure you don't leave anything out. Best of luck!

Thank you! I’ll definitely try that!
Original post by itsruney
The content itself is quite easy as you don't need to learn anything, simply recall the trip from memory. Look carefully at the questions. What are they asking for? Are they asking you to describe? To explain? Long mark questions can be intimidating so tackle them like 3 two markers. Jot down bullet points of what you want to say beside the question so you know exactly what points you're going to make and to make sure you don't leave anything out. Best of luck!

yep i agree i just did the paper today and it was a lot easier when i planned my answers
Original post by Failing Physics
I’ve recently done my second set of mocks and I’ve been getting grade 9s in my human and physical papers, but with my paper 3 I’ve been getting a 4 which is a pretty big drop. I think it’s the 6-12 mark familiar fieldwork questions that are screwing me up so if anybody has any advice I’d love to hear it! Thanks!

what was the question about, having my second set of mocks for year 11
Original post by Rosegal !!!!
what was the question about, having my second set of mocks for year 11

the last 12 mark one was you had to pick either your physical or human fieldwork and write about how your data collection helped you get reliable results
(along those lines)
Original post by Bhaker_5x
the last 12 mark one was you had to pick either your physical or human fieldwork and write about how your data collection helped you get reliable results
(along those lines)

where was your case study for both
myn is :
physical: Herne bay
human: Canterbury
Original post by Rosegal !!!!
where was your case study for both
myn is :
physical: Herne bay
human: Canterbury

physical: lyme regis
human: bristol harbourside
gonna search these places quickly
Original post by Rosegal !!!!
gonna search these places quickly

our physical one is about sea defences and human is about regeneration
Original post by Bhaker_5x
our physical one is about sea defences and human is about regeneration

Original post by Rosegal !!!!
where was your case study for both
myn is :
physical: Herne bay
human: Canterbury

mine is also herne bay do u have any tips to help me because im new in the school and i wasnt around for the field work
Reply 18
Original post by Failing Physics
I’ve recently done my second set of mocks and I’ve been getting grade 9s in my human and physical papers, but with my paper 3 I’ve been getting a 4 which is a pretty big drop. I think it’s the 6-12 mark familiar fieldwork questions that are screwing me up so if anybody has any advice I’d love to hear it! Thanks!

Hey,I have my geography y10 mock tomorrow paper 1.What type of questions did they ask you?

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