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i know, decisions, decisions
i think i'm going to stick with queens'
thanks everyone, i'm now officially less confused :smile:

Queens' is a wonderful college and you just can't go wrong with that. Very best of luck with your application.
Sleep with Clare and Jesus will still forgive you.

If you like them both, then have you looked at any academic factors which would push one towards deselection?
Reply 1182
what academic factors should I be looking at then? Which has the better reputation for medicine?
Also, because it was a Clare open day, I got to see the rooms/formal hall/buttery/cellars, does anyone know what these are like at Jesus?

the rooms at jesus are awesome. also one of the top rooms had a MASSIVE bedroom, with some seating area AND A BALCONY.
Also, because it was a Clare open day, I got to see the rooms/formal hall/buttery/cellars, does anyone know what these are like at Jesus?

rooms are damn nice, well mine is at least. if you go on the jcsu website, you can see pictures of quite a few of the rooms, to give you a rough idea of what they're like
Reply 1185
Does everybody tend to be very sporty at Jesus? And are there any medics who can tell me what it's like walking/cycling to the Downing Site etc. everyday? Also, does the Colony seem far out when you're travelling there and back?
Reply 1186
Well from what I saw, there is Old Court, then Memorial Court our the back across the river and the road, and the Colony, where the 2nd years seem to be, up by Magdalene college
Reply 1187
but the rooms all seemed ok, apparently most first years get en suite in memorial court
but the rooms all seemed ok, apparently most first years get en suite in memorial court

Yeah Memorial Court would be OK, cos it's just across from the main site. I'm not sure about The Colony though... would living there make you feel sort of disconnected from college life? And how far away is it from Clare exactly? Hmmm...
Clare's second year (and sometimes 3rd year) accommodation is in the Colony.

See this map to see where Clare Colony is;xx=1668;yy=369;mt=c;ms=70;sx=5;tl=The%20Colony%2C%20Clare%20College

You're still living with loads of students and there is a porters' lodge, common room etc there.

thanks for the info.

So... I can't actually see the rest of Clare on the map. Is that cos the Colony is so far away the normal site is out of the bounds on that map?
Reply 1190
yeah, that was what I was wondering, is it a pain walking to and from the colony? Or do you get a strong community feel?
Try this one (i've tried to move it down, if it didn't work, click the down arrow at the top) you'll see clare next to king's.;xx=1700;yy=560;mt=c;mx=1668;my=369;ms=70;sx=5;tl=The%20Colony%2C%20Clare%20College

Yeah, I see it now, thanks a lot for the maps. :biggrin:
Reply 1192
Jesus, it's like John's little brother :awesome:

And no I have no ground upon which to base that claim :p:
Reply 1193
yeah, that was what I was wondering, is it a pain walking to and from the colony? Or do you get a strong community feel?

It's Cambridge -- get a bike.
yeah, that was what I was wondering, is it a pain walking to and from the colony? Or do you get a strong community feel?

Unfortunately if I'm honest it's very inconvenient living so far from lectures and the main site, but I like it because we get to be away from the freshers and tourists and I never ate in our canteen anyway.
Yeah Memorial Court would be OK, cos it's just across from the main site. I'm not sure about The Colony though... would living there make you feel sort of disconnected from college life? And how far away is it from Clare exactly? Hmmm...

Colony is where the bulk of people live, almost all second years and most third years, it's very much a part of college, not disconnected.
Reply 1196
Yeah, another one of those "this college or that college" threads. Sorry.

I've had a look around and really like both of them. I'm applying for Economics. What are the good/bad points about either?
The West Wing
Colony is where the bulk of people live, almost all second years and most third years, it's very much a part of college, not disconnected.

Is it not a bit annoying living there though, as opposed to in the nicer "main buildings" of Clare?
Reply 1198
Depends how many puns you can take. :rolleyes:

I was pooled from Jesus to Corpus, and my friend takes great delight in telling me at every available opportunity that 'Jesus doesn't love me'.

That's one of the better ones.
Reply 1199
Just go with whichever has the kind of people, DoS and buildings you like best
If you can stay at both of them/whichever you're interested in, then pick John's when you realise it's the best :p: