I've done biovet and am currently doing veterinary science. Bioveterinary science essentially prepares you for any job in the vet industry outside of vet and vet nurses. Vet is the clinical degree, biovet is non-clinical, almost like halfway in-between a vet degree and a biology degree. We cover nearly all of the science except for anatomy, some physiology and the clinical aspects to the vet degree. With a biovet degree you could go into so many things, research (labs or otherwise), diagnostic labs and public health positions among many others.
Is there anything you're interested in particular?
Topics I covered in Biovet include: animal husbandry, statistics, animal biodiversity, lab skills, infectious diseases, epidemiology, public health, physiology, parasitology, animal behaviour, pathology, nervous and musculoskeletal functions and disorders, microbiology and several more I can't think of off the top of my head. If you do a Hons degree then you also do an honours (research) project in your final year.
Comparing the two degrees, I wouldn't say the content itself of vet was any harder than the content in Biovet. But the big big difference is the volume of information you are taught in the vet degree. There is a lot to remember.
I hope I've helped a bit. Feel free to ask me any questions you have, and if you have an idea of what you're interested in then I can give you more detailed information