Both Cranborne and Purbeck are pratically the same, except Cranborne has a few more per flat.
Which do you all think is the better accomodation?
And then what to choose as a second choice?
And will putting Hurn down on the option: "If Cranbourne House, Purbeck House or the Student Village is your first choice would you consider either Corfe House or Hurn House as an insurance choice?" decrease my chances of getting into Cranborne/Purbeck?
The 2nd year who took us on a tour when I was there said purbeck is better, but he didn't really say why. I can't see any difference other than 5 to a flat at purbeck and 6/7/8 to a flat in cranbourne, they're a couple of minutes away from each other. I guess it depends on how many you want to share with.
I just this minute filled the form out without really thinking...I put none for the bit about whether you would choose hurn or corfe. And ticked lively/large and kept the preferences how they were originally. I really want Purbeck though...more than that I just want an ensuite...I'm all nervous about it now...aahh the anticipation. Really wanna know who I'll be living with too